Vol 14 No 3 (2022)

Original Articles

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 90 | views: 201 | pages: 139-150
    Abstract Introduction: This study was done to identify the sanitary and health-oriented and information needs of Afghan immigrant women with breast cancer who are being treated and coping with their disease in health centers and hospitals in Iran. Methods: The present study is a survey and applied in terms of purpose. The study population consisted of 72 Afghan immigrant female patients with breast cancer. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect information divided into 6 sections and had 65 questions. Kruskal-Wallis,Mann-Whitney U tests, and SPSS statistical software version 20 were used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed no significant difference between the health information needs of immigrants based on age, marital status, literacy rate, occupation, treatment stage, manner and place of residence, and other demographic characteristics. "Achieving a healthy life" has been identified as the most critical information need (with a mean of 4.14), and "lack of familiarity with traditional sources related to sanitary and health" has been identified as the most crucial barrier (with a mean of 3.99) in accessing sanitary and health information. Conclusion: Paying attention to the information needs of cancer patients, especially immigrants and refugees with cultural differences and many social gaps with the host community (Iran), seems inevitable. As a result of being aware of the health information needs of these people in different stages of treatment and providing appropriate information by health professionals, informants, doctors, nurses, and medical staff, the situation will provide for better and more effective treatment of these patients in addition to reducing mental anxiety and psychological security in patients.  
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 53 | views: 60 | pages: 155-161
    Background: Cancer patients have concerns about treatment during COVID 19 pandemic virus as well as its impact on their health. This survey was conducted to ascertain the perception of cancer patients and their attendants during this pandemic. METHODS& RESULT: This cross-sectional study was conducted at Oncology OPD of SIUT, from May 2020 to July 2020 on cancer patients along with their attendants. Among 306 patients, 68.9 % received chemotherapy. In response of each question, 1st   one belonged to patients and 2nd was related to attendants. Only positive answers are reported here. For increasing gap of chemotherapy during the pandemic COVID 19, 58.3%   vs 38.4%   agreed with doctor recommendation. For start of single agent chemotherapy instead of   combination regimen, 41%   vs 19% agreed. For hospitalization 41.5%, vs 47.7% depicted inclination towards admission whereas for mental health questions, 63.7% vs 51.3% were neither afraid nor had psychological issues 79.7% vs 25.8% respectively. About COVID -19 testing, 66% vs 22.5%wanted to be tested. If results turned out positive, 82.2% vs 24.7% would go in isolation.  Conclusion: This study provides evidence of perception of cancer patients with their attendants from resource restrained country. Our study confirms that for disease like cancer, fear of the illness is always more paramount then any infection.  
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 58 | views: 67 | pages: 162-167
    Background: The aim this study was How to report pathological indicators of gastric malignancies in a hospital in Iran, a developing country. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 174 patients. Study variables including age and sex, type of biopsy, extent of gastric tissue involvement, exact anatomical location, tumor size, histological grading, invasion of surrounding tissues and lymph node metastasis were extracted from patients' records. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 software. Frequency and percentage were reported using descriptive statistics. Graphs were drawn using Excel 2010. Results: 174 patients were studied in this study; that 63.8% of the patients were female (n= 111). The prevalent of reports were related to the histology of adenocarcinoma (n = 136, p = 78.20), tumor size (n = 89, p = 51.15), anatomical exact location (n = 90, p = 51.70), respectively. Among the 90 patients for whom the exact anatomical location was reported, the most reports were related to the antrum (n = 38, p = 42.23). The highest prevalence of histological type of adenocarcinoma was related to Poorly differentiated (n = 57, p = 41.94). Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the way of reporting pathological indicators in gastric malignancies in the studied cases was somewhat appropriate.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 65 | views: 62 | pages: 174-184
    Abstract Background and aim: Pain is known as the greatest complication of cancer and cancer-related therapies. Therefore, control of pain has been considered with pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical methods. This study was performed to survey of mental and psychological activities in control of pain in patients with breast cancer. Methods and materials: 166 patients with breast cancer were selected randomly in a specialist hospital in Tehran, Iran and the questionnaire, and the consent letter was completed by them. Patients were categorized into three groups; first group includes patients with great spirits and hope for complete recovery. Second group includes patients with major depression, and third group includes patients with moderate spirits. Most data in this study were for the primary group. Results: According to data, in the deviation group, no acceptable mean of pain was obtained. In the hypothesis group, mean of pain was more passable. In the group which patients were conversed with own, mean of pain was more than previous two groups. The lowest mean of pain was related to the negative hypothesis group, and the highest mean of pain was related to patients who were prayed and hoped. Conclusion: The obtained results showed that deviation and activity of mental are good way to control and reduce of pain. This method is without side effects, inexpensive and accessible, which reduces of pain in patients. This study suggests that use of mental activity is a non-pharmacological treatment to reduce of pain in outpatient and hospitalized patients.

Case Reports

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 65 | views: 74 | pages: 151-154
    Lung cancer is the deadliest type of cancer in the world, and small cell lung cancer (SCLC) is one of the most fatal types of relevant tumors. The aim of this report was to describe the status of a patient presenting with progressive weakness, who did not have a previous medical history. Clinical examination revealed bilateral edema of the lower limbs. Lab results exhibited severe hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis. physical examination showed elevated blood pressure. Imaging revealed a large mass with necrosis. Bronchoscopy was done and biopsy pathology showed SCLC. The patient underwent chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide. Following SCLC, the patient developed a type of paraneoplastic syndrome called Cushing syndrome. He experienced a severe decrease in saturation in the second session of chemotherapy and eventually died. With respect to the fact that most paraneoplastic syndromes are associated with poor response to treatment, high clinical suspicion is essential for the rapid diagnosis of these syndromes to improve outcomes.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 60 | views: 52 | pages: 168-173
    Abstract- Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy (MNTI) is a rare condition that typically presents within the first 6 months of life. It rarely metastasizes but is locally aggressive. Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy has been reported under several other names including retinal anlage tumor and melanotic progonoma. Most commonly, melanotic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy originates in the maxilla. Tumor in previously reported cases are known to originate from different structures. Recommended treatment of MNTI consists of complete excision with wide tissue margins, although success has been reported after incomplete resection too. For those patients in whom surgical resection is not a preferred option, various chemotherapy approaches have been reported with mixed results ranging from failure to sustained tumor regression. In the present case report we have case of MNTI in one year infant which is successfully treated with subtotal excision.