Original Articles

How to report pathological indicators of gastric malignancies in a hospital in Iran, a developing country

Report pathological indicators in gastric malignancies


Background: The aim this study was How to report pathological indicators of gastric malignancies in a hospital in Iran, a developing country. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 174 patients. Study variables including age and sex, type of biopsy, extent of gastric tissue involvement, exact anatomical location, tumor size, histological grading, invasion of surrounding tissues and lymph node metastasis were extracted from patients' records. Data were analyzed using SPSS 22 software. Frequency and percentage were reported using descriptive statistics. Graphs were drawn using Excel 2010. Results: 174 patients were studied in this study; that 63.8% of the patients were female (n= 111). The prevalent of reports were related to the histology of adenocarcinoma (n = 136, p = 78.20), tumor size (n = 89, p = 51.15), anatomical exact location (n = 90, p = 51.70), respectively. Among the 90 patients for whom the exact anatomical location was reported, the most reports were related to the antrum (n = 38, p = 42.23). The highest prevalence of histological type of adenocarcinoma was related to Poorly differentiated (n = 57, p = 41.94). Conclusion: The findings of this study showed that the way of reporting pathological indicators in gastric malignancies in the studied cases was somewhat appropriate.
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IssueVol 14 No 3 (2022) QRcode
SectionOriginal Articles
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/bccr.v14i3.14354
pathological indicators gastric malignancies Iran

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How to Cite
Ansari K, Moghimi M, Jafari M. How to report pathological indicators of gastric malignancies in a hospital in Iran, a developing country. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2023;14(3):162-167.