Vol 9 No 2 (2017)

Original Articles

  • XML | PDF | downloads: 254 | views: 486 | pages: 4-12
    Background: Cancer is a growing challenge worldwide. Although it affects both sexes, women tend to be more vulnerable to it than men. This study aims to elucidate the perceptions of women afflicted with cancer regarding health-related behaviors. Methods: This is a qualitative study with content analysis. Participants included 22 women with cancer in Tehran. The participants were recruited by purposive sampling and were administered semi-structured, face-to-face interviews. The interviews were transcribed and reviewed to yield the findings. Initially, semantic resemblances and differences were reviewed and subcategories were defined. Subsequently, after repeated review, the related subcategories were placed in one category. Results: The participants in this study were aged 27 to 65 years, most were married (14 women) and homemakers (20 women). Moreover, their education ranged from elementary school to a bachelor’s degree. Regarding cancer type, most were diagnosed with breast cancer (12 women) and the duration of the disease ranged 2-5 years. Data analysis yielded 2 categories and 4 subcategories. The category “physical health-related behaviors” consisted of two subcategories: “health-related behaviors pertaining to physical activities after cancer” and “physical activities after treatment”.  The category “psychosocial health-related behaviors” consisted of two subcategories: “mental health-related behaviors” and “socio-cultural health-related behaviors”. Conclusion: Our findings highlight the fact in order to improve the health of women with cancer, aspects of health other than physical health (e.g. psychosocial health) need to be addressed. Since, according to our findings, health-related behaviors of women with cancer are deeply affected by culture, it appears that countering the cultural taboos pertaining to cancer will improve these women’s health. Achieving this outcome requires extensive cultural interventions in the healthcare system. We propose community-based educational interventions to correct cultural beliefs of the community to improve health for this vulnerable group.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 524 | views: 475 | pages: 13-19
    Anti-cancer potential of silymarin have been shown in cell culture. However, regarding this matter no prospective clinical study has been done. In a randomized double blind pilot study, we compared effects of addition of standard chemotherapy along with silymarin (420mg/day) versus placebo on clinical response of advanced tumors after three cycles of cisplatin-based chemotherapy. There was no significant difference in tumor size after three consecutive chemotherapy courses but a trend toward lower metastasis rate in chemotherapy + silymarin group. Concomitant use of silymarin along with chemotherapy was very well tolerated but didn’t significantly increase clinical response. Due to trend toward significant lower metastasis in silymarin group, further study with larger sample size is needed to better clarify probable role of adjunctive therapy with silymarin in patients with solid tumors.    
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 161 | views: 380 | pages: 20-28
    Background: The present research aims to describe the status of a health-promoting lifestyle among people afflicted with different types of cancer.Methods: The data of the present research were collected by (HPLPII) Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile questionnaire(1995) and the research sample size was 200 patients. The stratified random sampling method was used to select cancer patients in one private clinic and two governmental hospitals.Results: The findings showed that the patients were quite far from a health-promoting lifestyle and none of the health- promoting lifestyle indicators (physical activity, nutrition , stress management, etc.) was at a reasonable level among them. According to Chi-square test, all aspects of health (health responsibility, physical activity, nutrition, stress management and interpersonal relations), except the spiritual growth, significantly correlated with health-promoting lifestyle among the cancer patients.Conclusion: In accordance with the above-mentioned, a healthy nutrition was more associated with the health-promoting lifestyle for different cancer type among Iranian patients.
  • XML | PDF | downloads: 266 | views: 428 | pages: 29-37
     Background: Healthcare horizon scanning systems, have become one of the main components of health technology assessment. We conducted a horizon scanning exercise to identify new oncology drugs that may have a high impact on cancer patients and the health system in Iran.Methods: We reviewed existing health technology horizon scanning systems, and selected and weighted criteria for prioritizing oncology drugs, including 1) clinical efficiency and effectiveness, 2) incidence and prevalence of cancer types, 3) potential costs, 4) availability of alternative treatment, 5) having variable indications, 6) quality of evidence, and 7) being a first, second or third line drug. We reviewed horizon scanning reports in other countries and prepared a list of new oncology drugs to be ranked. We summarized clinical and epidemiological information about the drugs and presented them to a member of our expert panel who ranked them based on a structured checklist. Eventually, the drugs were categorized into four groups from low to high impact, based on their effect on patients and the health system of Iran in the futureResults: We identified 158 new oncology drugs, most of which were in their phase III clinical trials, and had been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Finally, we selected 18 medicines as having the highest impact on patients and the health system of Iran.Conclusion: The results of this study can be used for several purposes, including research and drug development. These results suggest the need for periodical horizon scanning in Iran and other low and middle-income countries. 


  • XML | PDF | downloads: 345 | views: 1187 | pages: 38-48
    Perturbation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) homeostasis induces a stress condition described as “ER stress”, which in turn leads to a well-regulated program termed as unfolded protein response (UPR). The principal purpose of UPR is to reestablish the ER homeostasis. Some of the physiological and pathological situations that disrupt the homeostasis include hypoxia, glucose limitations, nutrient deprivation, low pH, genomic instability, and some cytotoxic compounds are frequently observed during the core formation and progression of tumors. These stressful microenvironments around the tumors affect the innate and adaptive immune responses. The ER stress is usually induced to activate the UPR and to handle the stress. Although the UPR mechanism is primarily a pro-survival process, preserved and/or prolonged stress may induce cell death. In tumors, ER stress may modify apoptotic and autophagic cell death and, thereby provokes drug resistance of cancerous cells to current therapies. In this mini-review, at first, we highlight the role of UPR and its mediators in cancerous cells fate and then discuss their potential opportunities in cancer therapy.