Cancer stem cell biomarkers: critical roles, challenges, clinical applications and perspectives in cancer therapy
Progress in cancer stem cells has opened up a new window to develop better cancer treatment methods. Several pre-clinical and clinical trial studies use CSCs targeting via surface markers method and inhibition of stem cell pathway to eradicate cancer. Albite, some important question was unclear about CSCs origin and molecular mechanism of self-renewal, the structure of CSCs markers and so on, but the eradication of these cells eliminate cancer. In this review, we have argued about the CSC surface markers on different cancers, the mechanisms of action, and therapeutic procedures related to the cancer biomarkers. Then, we have discussed the challenges of these therapies.
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2. Jayachandran A, Dhungel B, Steel JC. Epitheli¬al-to-mesenchymal plasticity of cancer stem cells: therapeutic targets in hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Hematology & Oncology. 2016;9[1]:74.
3. Vicari L, Colarossi C, Giuffrida D, De Maria R, Me¬meo L. Cancer stem cells as a potential therapeutic target in thyroid carcinoma [Review]. Oncology Let¬ters. 2016;12[4]:2254-60.
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5. Trosko JE. On the potential origin and characteristics of cancer stem cells. Carcinogenesis. 2021;42[7]:905- 12, 10.1093/carcin/bgab042.
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8. Upham BL, Trosko JE. Oxidative-dependent inte¬gration of signal transduction with intercellular gap junctional communication in the control of gene ex¬pression. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2009;11[2]:297-307, 10.1089/ars.2008.2146.
9. Ayob AZ, Ramasamy TS. Cancer stem cells as key drivers of tumour progression. J Biomed Sci. 2018;25[1]:20, 10.1186/s12929-018-0426-4.
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2. Jayachandran A, Dhungel B, Steel JC. Epitheli¬al-to-mesenchymal plasticity of cancer stem cells: therapeutic targets in hepatocellular carcinoma. Journal of Hematology & Oncology. 2016;9[1]:74.
3. Vicari L, Colarossi C, Giuffrida D, De Maria R, Me¬meo L. Cancer stem cells as a potential therapeutic target in thyroid carcinoma [Review]. Oncology Let¬ters. 2016;12[4]:2254-60.
4. Biserova K, Jakovlevs A, Uljanovs R, Strumfa I. Can¬cer Stem Cells: Significance in Origin, Pathogenesis and Treatment of Glioblastoma. Cells. 2021;10[3], 10.3390/cells10030621.
5. Trosko JE. On the potential origin and characteristics of cancer stem cells. Carcinogenesis. 2021;42[7]:905- 12, 10.1093/carcin/bgab042.
6. Bryan TM, Reddel RR. SV40-induced immortaliza¬tion of human cells. Crit Rev Oncog. 1994;5[4]:331- 57, 10.1615/critrevoncog.v5.i4.10.
7. Viallet J, Liu C, Emond J, Tsao MS. Characterization of human bronchial epithelial cells immortalized by the E6 and E7 genes of human papillomavirus type 16. Exp Cell Res. 1994;212[1]:36-41, 10.1006/ excr.1994.1115.
8. Upham BL, Trosko JE. Oxidative-dependent inte¬gration of signal transduction with intercellular gap junctional communication in the control of gene ex¬pression. Antioxid Redox Signal. 2009;11[2]:297-307, 10.1089/ars.2008.2146.
9. Ayob AZ, Ramasamy TS. Cancer stem cells as key drivers of tumour progression. J Biomed Sci. 2018;25[1]:20, 10.1186/s12929-018-0426-4.
10. Warren ST, Schultz RA, Chang CC, Wade MH, Trosko JE. Elevated spontaneous mutation rate in Bloom syndrome fibroblasts. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1981;78[5]:3133-7, 10.1073/pnas.78.5.3133.
11. Lobo NA, Shimono Y, Qian D, Clarke MF. The biology of cancer stem cells. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2007;23:675-99, 10.1146/annurev.cell¬bio.22.010305.104154.
12. Taipale J, Beachy PA. The Hedgehog and Wnt signal¬ling pathways in cancer. Nature. 2001;411[6835]:349- 54, 10.1038/35077219.
13. Cojoc M, Mäbert K, Muders MH, Dubrovska A. A role for cancer stem cells in therapy resistance: cellu¬lar and molecular mechanisms. Semin Cancer Biol. 2015;31:16-27, 10.1016/j.semcancer.2014.06.004.
14. Chiba T, Zheng YW, Kita K, Yokosuka O, Saisho H, Onodera M, et al. Enhanced self-renewal capability in hepatic stem/progenitor cells drives cancer initia¬tion. Gastroenterology. 2007;133[3]:937-50, 10.1053/j. gastro.2007.06.016.
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How to Cite
Bahrami Salehloo E, Mozdoori N, Dehghan Esmatabadi M javad, Hajigholami S, Bozorgmehr A. Cancer stem cell biomarkers: critical roles, challenges, clinical applications and perspectives in cancer therapy. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2022;13(3):156-174.