A Review on the Application of In Vitro and In Vivo Models of Cancerous Tumors for the Study of the Hyperthermia Effect
Hyperthermia is a novel method for cancer therapy. To have the best control when heating tissues in hyperthermia, the use of magnetic nanoparticles is suggested. The local control of heat is very important in this technique, to prevent the damage of healthy tissues around the tumor, and therefore it is necessary to measure changes in temperature to determine the optimum conditions in which hyperthermia can create the desired results. The type and concentration of nanoparticles and nanoparticle distribution within the cancerous tissue are key factors affecting temperature distribution throughout the hyperthermia process. One of the main factors influencing nanoparticle distribution is the characteristics of the diffusion media, such as chemicalcomposition, morphological and mechanical features, all of which affect the diffusion of nanoparticles at the cancer site. In this review, the most common in vitro and in vivo media and their influence on the results of hyperthermia are discussed.We also mention in silico as a computational model. Buffer solutions, cell cultures,microfluids, dead tissues and animal models are some of the in vitro media that are discussed in this review paper. In addition, some of the animal models used for hyperthermia will be mentioned.
1. Cancer Facts & Figures 2017.
2. Salunkhe a B, Khot VM, Pawar SH. Magnetic hyperthermia with magnetic nanoparticles: a status review. Curr Top Med Chem. 2014;14(5):572–94.
3. Javidi M, Heydari M, Attar MM, Haghpanahi M, Karimi A, Navidbakhsh M, et al. Cylindrical agar gel with fluid flow subjected to an alternating magnetic field during hyperthermia. Int J Hyperth. Informa UK Ltd; 2015;31(1):33–9.
4. Golovin YI, Gribanovsky SL, Golovin DY, Zhigachev AO, Klyachko NL, Majouga AG, et al. The dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles exposed to non-heating alternating magnetic field in biochemical applications: theoretical study. J Nanoparticle Res. Journal of Nanoparticle Research; 2017;19(2).
5. Saeedi M, Vahidi O, Goodarzi V, Saeb MR, Izadi L, Mozafari M. A new prospect in magnetic nanoparticle-based cancer therapy: Taking credit from mathematical tissue-mimicking phantom brain models. Nanomedicine Nanotechnology, Biol Med. Elsevier Inc.; 2017;13(8):2405–14.
6. Kalambur VS, Han B, Hammer BE, Shield TW, Bischof JC. In vitro characterization of movement, heating and visualization of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Nanotechnology. 2005;16(8):1221–33.
7. Attar MM, Barati F, Rezaei G, Adelinia B. In-vitro experimental analysis of magnetic fluid hyperthermia in soft tissue. J Mech Sci Technol. 2017;31(1):465–72.
8. Kolosnjaj-Tabi J, Marangon I, Nicolas-Boluda A, Silva AKA, Gazeau F. Nanoparticle-based hyperthermia, a local treatment modulating the tumor extracellular matrix. Pharmacol Res. Elsevier Ltd; 2017;
9. Bokharaei M, Schneider T, Dutz S, Stone RC, Mefford OT, Häfeli UO. Production of monodispersed magnetic polymeric microspheres in a microfluidic chip and 3D simulation. Microfluid Nanofluidics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2016;20(1):1–14.
10. Kumar CSSR, Mohammad F. Magnetic nanomaterials for hyperthermia-based therapy and controlled drug delivery. Adv Drug Deliv Rev [Internet]. Elsevier B.V.; 2011;63(9):789–808. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2011.03.008
11. Avazzadeh R, Vasheghani-Farahani E, Soleimani M, Amanpour S, Sadeghi M. Synthesis and application of magnetite dextran-spermine nanoparticles in breast cancer hyperthermia. Prog Biomater. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2017;
12. Lin C, Ho K. Hyperthermia effect of surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles in a microfluidic system. NSTI-nanotech. 2007;2:425–8.
13. Taala N. synthesis of chitosan based nanoparticles and study the effect of nanoparticles properties on formation of protein corona. Amirkabir University of technology; 2017.
14. Attar MM, Haghpanahi M, Amanpour S, Mohaqeq M. Analysis of bioheat transfer equation for hyperthermia cancer treatment †. J Mech Sci Technol. 2014;28(2):763–71.
15. Gao F, Cai Y, Zhou J, Xie X, Ouyang W, Zhang Y, et al. Pullulan acetate coated magnetite nanoparticles for hyper-thermia: Preparation, characterization and in vitro experiments. Nano Res. 2010;3(1):23–31.
16. Sonvico F, Mornet S, Vasseur S, Dubernet C, Jaillard D, Degrouard J, et al. Folate-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles for solid tumor targeting as potential specific magnetic hyperthermia mediators: Synthesis, physicochemical characterization, and in vitro experiments. Bioconjug Chem. 2005;16(5):1181–8.
17. Fortin JP, Wilhelm C, Servais J, Ménager C, Bacri JC, Gazeau F. Size-sorted anionic iron oxide nanomagnets as colloidal mediators for magnetic hyperthermia. J Am Chem Soc. 2007;129(9):2628–35.
18. Nemati Z, Alonso J, Martinez LM, Khurshid H, Garaio E, Garcia JA, et al. Enhanced Magnetic Hyperthermia in Iron Oxide Nano-Octopods: Size and Anisotropy Effects. J Phys Chem C. 2016;120(15):8370–9.
19. Nemati Z, Salili SM, Alonso J, Ataie A, Das R, Phan MH, et al. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanodiscs for hyperthermia therapy: Does size matter? J Alloys Compd. Elsevier B.V; 2017;714:709–14.
20. Murase K, Oonoki J, Takata H, Song R, Angraini A, Ausanai P, et al. Simulation and experimental studies on magnetic hyperthermia with use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Radiol Phys Technol. 2011;4(2):194–202.
21. Iglesias G, Delgado A V., Kujda M, Ramos-Tejada MM. Magnetic hyperthermia with magnetite nanoparticles: electrostatic and polymeric stabilization. Colloid Polym Sci. Colloid and Polymer Science; 2016;294(10):1541–50.
22. Guibert C, Dupuis V, Peyre V, Fresnais J, Guibert C, Dupuis V, et al. Hyperthermia of Magnetic Nanoparticles : An Experimental Study of the Role of Aggregation. J Phys Chem C. 2015;28148–54.
23. Bahadorimehr A, Rashemi Z, Majlis BY. The Influence of Magnetic Nanoparticles’ Size on Trapping Efficiency in a Microfluidic Device. Int J Biosci Biochem Bioinforma. 2015;5(2):132–9.
24. Wang F, Li Y, Chen L, Chen D, Wu X, Wang H. Mapping of hyperthermic tumor cell death in a microchannel under unidirectional heating. Biomicrofluidics. 2012;6(1).
25. Alvarez SS, Huerta LFE, Vargas AV, López J, Silva JG, González CA. Characterization of Breast Cancer Radiofrequency Ablation Assisted with Magnetic Nanoparticles : In Silico and in Vitro Study. Electromagn Anal Appl. 2016;8(January):1–7.
26. Holligan DL, Gillies GT, Dailey JP. Magnetic guidance of ferrofluidic nanoparticles in an in vitro model of intraocular retinal repair. Nanotechnology. 2003;14(6):661–6.
27. Heydari M, Javidi M, Attar MM, Karimi A, Navidbakhsh M, Haghpanahi M, et al. MAGNETIC FLUID HYPERTHERMIA IN A CYLINDRICAL. J Mech Med Biol. 2015;15(5):1–16.
28. Salloum M, Ma RH, Weeks D, Zhu L. Controlling nanoparticle delivery in magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia for cancer treatment: Experimental study in agarose gel. Int J Hyperth. 2008;24(4):337–45.
29. Lahiri BB, Ranoo S, Zaibudeen AW, Philip J. Magnetic hyperthermia in magnetic nanoemulsions: Effects of polydispersity, particle concentration and medium viscosity. J Magn Magn Mater. Elsevier B.V.; 2017;441:310–27.
30. Attar MM, Haghpanahi M, Shahverdi H, Imam A. Thermo-mechanical analysis of soft tissue in local hyperthermia treatment. J Mech Sci Technol. 2016 Mar;30(3):1459–69.
31. Zimerman B, M. A, Ulmer J, Blummel J, Besser A, Spatz JP, et al. Formation of focal adhesion-stress fibre complexes coordinated by adhesive and non-adhesive surface domains. IEEE Proc nanobiotechnology. 2004;151(2):207–11.
32. Laurent S, Dutz S, Häfeli UO, Mahmoudi M. Magnetic fluid hyperthermia: Focus on superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Adv Colloid Interface Sci. Elsevier B.V.; 2011;166(1–2):8–23.
33. Dennis CL, Jackson AJ, Borchers JA, Hoopes PJ, Strawbridge R, Foreman AR, et al. Nearly complete regression of tumors via collective behavior of magnetic nanoparticles in hyperthermia. Nanotechnology. 2009;20(39):395103.
34. Dutz S, Kettering M, Hilger I, Müller R, Zeisberger M. Magnetic multicore nanoparticles for hyperthermia—influence of particle immobilization in tumour tissue on magnetic properties. Nanotechnology. 2011;22(26):265102.
35. Khandhar AP, Ferguson RM, Simon JA, Krishnan KM. Tailored magnetic nanoparticles for optimizing magnetic fluid hyperthermia. J Biomed Mater Res - Part A. 2012;100 A(3):728–37.
36. Kossatz S, Ludwig R, Dähring H, Ettelt V, Rimkus G, Marciello M, et al. High therapeutic efficiency of magnetic hyperthermia in xenograft models achieved with moderate temperature dosages in the tumor area. Pharm Res. 2014;31(12):3274–88.
37. Balivada S, Rachakatla RS, Wang H, Samarakoon TN, Dani RK, Pyle M, et al. A / C magnetic hyperthermia of melanoma mediated by iron ( 0 )/ iron oxide core / shell magnetic nanoparticles : a mouse study. BMC Cancer. 2010;10:119.
38. LeBrun A, Ma R, Zhu L. MicroCT image based simulation to design heating protocols in magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia for cancer treatment. J Therm Biol. Elsevier; 2016;62:129–37.
39. Wang H, Wu J, Zhuo Z, Tang J. A three-dimensional model and numerical simulation regarding thermoseed mediated magnetic induction therapy conformal hyperthermia. 2016;24.
40. Polishchuk DM, Tykhonenko-polishchuk YO, Bodnaruk SOS V, Kulyka MMI. Features of the magnetic state of ensembles of nanoparticles of substituted manganites : Experiment and model calculations. 2017;570.
41. Ruggiero MR, Crich SG, Sieni E, Adolphi NL, Huber DL, Bryant HC, et al. Magnetic dynamics of ferrofluids : mathematical models and experimental investigations. J Phys D Appl Phys. IOP Publishing; :aa590b.
42. Slabu I, Baumann M, Alizai PH, Schmeding M. Establishment of a biophysical model to optimize endoscopic targeting of magnetic nanoparticles for cancer treatment. 2017;5933–40.
43. Hergt R, Dutz S, Zeisberger M. Validity limits of the N ´ eel relaxation model of magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia. 2010;015706:1–6.
44. Bellizzi G, Bucci OM, Chirico G. Numerical assessment of a criterion for the optimal choice of the operative conditions in magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia on a realistic model of the human head. 2016;6736(June).
2. Salunkhe a B, Khot VM, Pawar SH. Magnetic hyperthermia with magnetic nanoparticles: a status review. Curr Top Med Chem. 2014;14(5):572–94.
3. Javidi M, Heydari M, Attar MM, Haghpanahi M, Karimi A, Navidbakhsh M, et al. Cylindrical agar gel with fluid flow subjected to an alternating magnetic field during hyperthermia. Int J Hyperth. Informa UK Ltd; 2015;31(1):33–9.
4. Golovin YI, Gribanovsky SL, Golovin DY, Zhigachev AO, Klyachko NL, Majouga AG, et al. The dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles exposed to non-heating alternating magnetic field in biochemical applications: theoretical study. J Nanoparticle Res. Journal of Nanoparticle Research; 2017;19(2).
5. Saeedi M, Vahidi O, Goodarzi V, Saeb MR, Izadi L, Mozafari M. A new prospect in magnetic nanoparticle-based cancer therapy: Taking credit from mathematical tissue-mimicking phantom brain models. Nanomedicine Nanotechnology, Biol Med. Elsevier Inc.; 2017;13(8):2405–14.
6. Kalambur VS, Han B, Hammer BE, Shield TW, Bischof JC. In vitro characterization of movement, heating and visualization of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Nanotechnology. 2005;16(8):1221–33.
7. Attar MM, Barati F, Rezaei G, Adelinia B. In-vitro experimental analysis of magnetic fluid hyperthermia in soft tissue. J Mech Sci Technol. 2017;31(1):465–72.
8. Kolosnjaj-Tabi J, Marangon I, Nicolas-Boluda A, Silva AKA, Gazeau F. Nanoparticle-based hyperthermia, a local treatment modulating the tumor extracellular matrix. Pharmacol Res. Elsevier Ltd; 2017;
9. Bokharaei M, Schneider T, Dutz S, Stone RC, Mefford OT, Häfeli UO. Production of monodispersed magnetic polymeric microspheres in a microfluidic chip and 3D simulation. Microfluid Nanofluidics. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2016;20(1):1–14.
10. Kumar CSSR, Mohammad F. Magnetic nanomaterials for hyperthermia-based therapy and controlled drug delivery. Adv Drug Deliv Rev [Internet]. Elsevier B.V.; 2011;63(9):789–808. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addr.2011.03.008
11. Avazzadeh R, Vasheghani-Farahani E, Soleimani M, Amanpour S, Sadeghi M. Synthesis and application of magnetite dextran-spermine nanoparticles in breast cancer hyperthermia. Prog Biomater. Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2017;
12. Lin C, Ho K. Hyperthermia effect of surface-modified magnetite nanoparticles in a microfluidic system. NSTI-nanotech. 2007;2:425–8.
13. Taala N. synthesis of chitosan based nanoparticles and study the effect of nanoparticles properties on formation of protein corona. Amirkabir University of technology; 2017.
14. Attar MM, Haghpanahi M, Amanpour S, Mohaqeq M. Analysis of bioheat transfer equation for hyperthermia cancer treatment †. J Mech Sci Technol. 2014;28(2):763–71.
15. Gao F, Cai Y, Zhou J, Xie X, Ouyang W, Zhang Y, et al. Pullulan acetate coated magnetite nanoparticles for hyper-thermia: Preparation, characterization and in vitro experiments. Nano Res. 2010;3(1):23–31.
16. Sonvico F, Mornet S, Vasseur S, Dubernet C, Jaillard D, Degrouard J, et al. Folate-conjugated iron oxide nanoparticles for solid tumor targeting as potential specific magnetic hyperthermia mediators: Synthesis, physicochemical characterization, and in vitro experiments. Bioconjug Chem. 2005;16(5):1181–8.
17. Fortin JP, Wilhelm C, Servais J, Ménager C, Bacri JC, Gazeau F. Size-sorted anionic iron oxide nanomagnets as colloidal mediators for magnetic hyperthermia. J Am Chem Soc. 2007;129(9):2628–35.
18. Nemati Z, Alonso J, Martinez LM, Khurshid H, Garaio E, Garcia JA, et al. Enhanced Magnetic Hyperthermia in Iron Oxide Nano-Octopods: Size and Anisotropy Effects. J Phys Chem C. 2016;120(15):8370–9.
19. Nemati Z, Salili SM, Alonso J, Ataie A, Das R, Phan MH, et al. Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanodiscs for hyperthermia therapy: Does size matter? J Alloys Compd. Elsevier B.V; 2017;714:709–14.
20. Murase K, Oonoki J, Takata H, Song R, Angraini A, Ausanai P, et al. Simulation and experimental studies on magnetic hyperthermia with use of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Radiol Phys Technol. 2011;4(2):194–202.
21. Iglesias G, Delgado A V., Kujda M, Ramos-Tejada MM. Magnetic hyperthermia with magnetite nanoparticles: electrostatic and polymeric stabilization. Colloid Polym Sci. Colloid and Polymer Science; 2016;294(10):1541–50.
22. Guibert C, Dupuis V, Peyre V, Fresnais J, Guibert C, Dupuis V, et al. Hyperthermia of Magnetic Nanoparticles : An Experimental Study of the Role of Aggregation. J Phys Chem C. 2015;28148–54.
23. Bahadorimehr A, Rashemi Z, Majlis BY. The Influence of Magnetic Nanoparticles’ Size on Trapping Efficiency in a Microfluidic Device. Int J Biosci Biochem Bioinforma. 2015;5(2):132–9.
24. Wang F, Li Y, Chen L, Chen D, Wu X, Wang H. Mapping of hyperthermic tumor cell death in a microchannel under unidirectional heating. Biomicrofluidics. 2012;6(1).
25. Alvarez SS, Huerta LFE, Vargas AV, López J, Silva JG, González CA. Characterization of Breast Cancer Radiofrequency Ablation Assisted with Magnetic Nanoparticles : In Silico and in Vitro Study. Electromagn Anal Appl. 2016;8(January):1–7.
26. Holligan DL, Gillies GT, Dailey JP. Magnetic guidance of ferrofluidic nanoparticles in an in vitro model of intraocular retinal repair. Nanotechnology. 2003;14(6):661–6.
27. Heydari M, Javidi M, Attar MM, Karimi A, Navidbakhsh M, Haghpanahi M, et al. MAGNETIC FLUID HYPERTHERMIA IN A CYLINDRICAL. J Mech Med Biol. 2015;15(5):1–16.
28. Salloum M, Ma RH, Weeks D, Zhu L. Controlling nanoparticle delivery in magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia for cancer treatment: Experimental study in agarose gel. Int J Hyperth. 2008;24(4):337–45.
29. Lahiri BB, Ranoo S, Zaibudeen AW, Philip J. Magnetic hyperthermia in magnetic nanoemulsions: Effects of polydispersity, particle concentration and medium viscosity. J Magn Magn Mater. Elsevier B.V.; 2017;441:310–27.
30. Attar MM, Haghpanahi M, Shahverdi H, Imam A. Thermo-mechanical analysis of soft tissue in local hyperthermia treatment. J Mech Sci Technol. 2016 Mar;30(3):1459–69.
31. Zimerman B, M. A, Ulmer J, Blummel J, Besser A, Spatz JP, et al. Formation of focal adhesion-stress fibre complexes coordinated by adhesive and non-adhesive surface domains. IEEE Proc nanobiotechnology. 2004;151(2):207–11.
32. Laurent S, Dutz S, Häfeli UO, Mahmoudi M. Magnetic fluid hyperthermia: Focus on superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Adv Colloid Interface Sci. Elsevier B.V.; 2011;166(1–2):8–23.
33. Dennis CL, Jackson AJ, Borchers JA, Hoopes PJ, Strawbridge R, Foreman AR, et al. Nearly complete regression of tumors via collective behavior of magnetic nanoparticles in hyperthermia. Nanotechnology. 2009;20(39):395103.
34. Dutz S, Kettering M, Hilger I, Müller R, Zeisberger M. Magnetic multicore nanoparticles for hyperthermia—influence of particle immobilization in tumour tissue on magnetic properties. Nanotechnology. 2011;22(26):265102.
35. Khandhar AP, Ferguson RM, Simon JA, Krishnan KM. Tailored magnetic nanoparticles for optimizing magnetic fluid hyperthermia. J Biomed Mater Res - Part A. 2012;100 A(3):728–37.
36. Kossatz S, Ludwig R, Dähring H, Ettelt V, Rimkus G, Marciello M, et al. High therapeutic efficiency of magnetic hyperthermia in xenograft models achieved with moderate temperature dosages in the tumor area. Pharm Res. 2014;31(12):3274–88.
37. Balivada S, Rachakatla RS, Wang H, Samarakoon TN, Dani RK, Pyle M, et al. A / C magnetic hyperthermia of melanoma mediated by iron ( 0 )/ iron oxide core / shell magnetic nanoparticles : a mouse study. BMC Cancer. 2010;10:119.
38. LeBrun A, Ma R, Zhu L. MicroCT image based simulation to design heating protocols in magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia for cancer treatment. J Therm Biol. Elsevier; 2016;62:129–37.
39. Wang H, Wu J, Zhuo Z, Tang J. A three-dimensional model and numerical simulation regarding thermoseed mediated magnetic induction therapy conformal hyperthermia. 2016;24.
40. Polishchuk DM, Tykhonenko-polishchuk YO, Bodnaruk SOS V, Kulyka MMI. Features of the magnetic state of ensembles of nanoparticles of substituted manganites : Experiment and model calculations. 2017;570.
41. Ruggiero MR, Crich SG, Sieni E, Adolphi NL, Huber DL, Bryant HC, et al. Magnetic dynamics of ferrofluids : mathematical models and experimental investigations. J Phys D Appl Phys. IOP Publishing; :aa590b.
42. Slabu I, Baumann M, Alizai PH, Schmeding M. Establishment of a biophysical model to optimize endoscopic targeting of magnetic nanoparticles for cancer treatment. 2017;5933–40.
43. Hergt R, Dutz S, Zeisberger M. Validity limits of the N ´ eel relaxation model of magnetic nanoparticles for hyperthermia. 2010;015706:1–6.
44. Bellizzi G, Bucci OM, Chirico G. Numerical assessment of a criterion for the optimal choice of the operative conditions in magnetic nanoparticle hyperthermia on a realistic model of the human head. 2016;6736(June).
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Issue | Vol 11 No 1 (2019) | |
Section | Mini-Reviews | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/bccr.v11i1.1653 | |
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Hyperthermia studies In vivo models In vitro models In silico models Nanoparticle diffusion media |
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How to Cite
Zahedi-Tabar Z, Bagheri-Khoulenjani S, Amanpour S, Mirzadeh H. A Review on the Application of In Vitro and In Vivo Models of Cancerous Tumors for the Study of the Hyperthermia Effect. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2019;11(1):71-81.