Original Articles

Geographic Variation and Trends in Laryngeal Cancer Incidence in Iran: A Comprehensive Analysis


Background and Aims: Laryngeal cancer poses a significant health challenge, particularly in Iran, where it exerts a substantial burden on the healthcare system. This study aimed to comprehensively analyze the geographic variation in laryngeal cancer incidence across Iran, estimate its burden in 2022, and project trends up to 2050. Methods: Our study utilized data from two sources: the Iran National Population-based Cancer Registry (INPCR) for a four-year period (2014-2017) and the GLOBOCAN 2022 study. From the INPCR data, we calculated average age-standardized incidence rates (ASIRs) for each province. Additionally, the GLOBOCAN 2022 study provided estimates of laryngeal cancer incidence and mortality rates for 2022, along with projections for future trends until 2050. Results: Laryngeal cancer displayed significant regional variations within Iran between 2014 and 2017, with Kerman and North Khorasan provinces experiencing the highest incidence rates. Laryngeal cancer incidence increased with age and remained considerably higher in males. In 2022, laryngeal cancer represented 2 % of new cancer cases in Iran, with ASIRs higher than global averages. By 2050, a substantial increase in both incidence and mortality rates is projected, emphasizing the growing burden of laryngeal cancer in Iran. Conclusion: This study highlights the substantial variations in laryngeal cancer incidence across Iranian provinces. Our findings suggest that opium use, in addition to established risk factors like tobacco and alcohol, might contribute to the high incidence rates observed in Iran. Early diagnosis and targeted interventions tailored to regional risk factor prevalence are crucial to address the growing public health burden of laryngeal cancer in Iran.
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Laryngeal cancer Geographic variation Incidence Mortality Projection Iran

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How to Cite
Asghari F, Rashidian H, Lotfi F, Mahdavi Sabet F, Faraji Z, Zendehdel K. Geographic Variation and Trends in Laryngeal Cancer Incidence in Iran: A Comprehensive Analysis. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2024;15(4):266-274.