A Relative Frequency of Female Gynecologic Cancers in South Iran in the Years 2014-2019
Prevalence of Female Gynecologic Cancers in South of Iran
Aim We evaluated the prevalence of gynecologic cancers in south of Iran in 2014-2019. Methods This cross-sectional, descriptive study aimed to study 1222 patients with female gynecological cancers who were referred to the specialized oncology and radiotherapy clinics in Kerman city in south of Iran. The required information was gathered from the cases recorded in available pathology centers in Department of Health in Kerman province during 2014 -2019 years. The data analysis was done by SPSS20 software via descriptive statistics tests of Chi square, Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Kruskal-Wallis, and ANOVA. Results The uterine (38.98%), and ovarian cancers (36.94%) had the highest relative frequencies. There was no significant difference in the relative frequency of female cancers in the five time intervals (p>0/01). The age average of patients was 66/15 ±58/53 years which was significantly different among different types of cancer (p<0/01). The highest and lowest age average was related to the vagina (61.89±26.64) and placenta (30.66±5.50) cancers. Conclusion The most frequent cancer in the first two years of study was ovarian cancer, while the most frequent cancer in the next three years of the study was the uterine cancer. The highest and lowest age averages were related to vagina cancer, and trophoblastic cancer, respectively.
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2. Azizi F, Hatami H, Janghorbani M. Epidemiology and control of prevalent disease in Iran. Khosravi publication. 2004:265-79.
3. Babazadeh M, Pourali L, Attaran N, Nikfarjam Z, Masoudi T, Salehi M. Demographic survey of 600 patients with gynecologic cancers in Mashhad, Iran in 1985-2012. The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility. 2016;19(3):1-8.
4. Amant F, Halaska MJ, Fumagalli M, Steffensen KD, Lok C, Van Calsteren K, et al. Gynecologic cancers in pregnancy: guidelines of a second international consensus meeting. International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer. 2014;24(3).
5. Siegel R, DeSantis C, Virgo K, Stein K, Mariotto A, Smith T, et al. Cancer treatment and survivorship statistics, 2012. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2012;62(4):220-41.
6. Kim K, Zang R, Choi S-C, Ryu S-Y, Kim JW. Current status of gynecological cancer in China. Journal of gynecologic oncology. 2009;20(2):72-6.
7. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM, Ferlay J, Ward E, Forman D. Global cancer statistics. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2011;61(2):69-90.
8. Runowicz CD, Leach CR, Henry NL, Henry KS, Mackey HT, Cowens‐Alvarado RL, et al. American cancer society/American society of clinical oncology breast cancer survivorship care guideline. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2016;66(1):43-73.
9. Sankaranarayanan R, Ferlay J. Worldwide burden of gynaecological cancer: the size of the problem. Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology. 2006;20(2):207-25.
10. Radmard A. Five common cancers in Iran. Arch Iran Med. 2010;13(2):143.
11. Tarver T. Cancer facts & figures 2012. American cancer society (ACS) Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society, 2012. 66 p., pdf. Available from. Taylor & Francis; 2012.
12. Arab M, Noghabaei G, Kazemi SN. Comparison of crude and age-specific incidence rates of breast, ovary, endometrium and cervix cancers in Iran, 2005. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2014;15(6):2461-4.
13. Ansariniaki M, Ghorbani R, Semnani V, Pahlavan S. Epidemiological-histopathological status of gynecological cancers in Iranian population: a 9-year study. Koomesh. 2017:484-91.
14. Mohaghegh F, Hamta A. The study of cancer incidence and cancer registration in Markazi province between 2001-2006 and comparison with national statistics, Iran. Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences. 2008;11(2):84-93.
15. Hemati K, Mohagheghi S, Mousavi JS, Khabaz KM. Cancer incidence in Ilam. 2009.
16. Dey S, Hablas A, Seifeldin I, Ismail K, Ramadan M, El‐Hamzawy H, et al. Urban–rural differences of gynaecological malignancies in Egypt (1999–2002). BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2010;117(3):348-55.
17. Day GE, Lanier AP, Bulkow L, Kelly JJ, Murphy N. Cancers of the breast, uterus, ovary and cervix among Alaska Native women, 1974–2003. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 2010;69(1):72-86.
18. Minelli L, Stracci F, Cassetti T, Scheibel M, Sapia I, La Rosa F. Epidemiological overview on the effectiveness of mass screening for female cancer in Umbria, Italy. European journal of gynaecological oncology. 2007;28(4):297-301.
19. Razi S, Salehiniya H, Dizaji M. Epidemiology of prevalent cancer among Iranian women and its incidence trends from 2003-2009 in Iran. Arak Medical University Journal. 2015;18(2):17-24.
20. Gilani MM, Behnamfar F, Zamani F, Zamani N. Frequency of different types of ovarian cancer in Vali-e-Asr Hospital (Tehran University of Medical Sciences) 2001-2003. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS. 2007;10(17):3026-8.
21. Yakasai I, Ugwa E, Otubu J. Gynecological malignancies in Aminu Kano teaching hospital Kano: A 3 year review. Nigerian journal of clinical practice. 2013;16(1):63-6.
22. Bassey EA, Ekpo M, Abasiatai A. Female genital tract malignancies in Uyo, South-South Nigeria. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2007;14(2):134-6.
23. Mohammed A, Avidime S, Oluwole O, Ahmed S. Malignant tumors of the female genital tract in Zaria, Nigeria. An analysis of 513 cases (1993-2003). Trop J obstet gynaecol. 2005;22:S45.
24. Bhurgri Y, Nazir K, Yasmeen Shaheen AU, Faridi N, Bhurgri H, Malik J, et al. Patho-epidemiology of Cancer Corpus Uteri in Karachi South. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2007;8:489-94.
25. Akhtar Z, Majid A, Naz T, Jamal T, Qazi Q, Samad A. Frequency and clinicopathological presentation of gynaecological malignancies. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute. 2014;28(2).
26. Ashraf T, Haroon S. Gynaecological malignancies: frequency and outcome at a tertiary care hospital. The Professional Medical Journal. 2013;20(05):752-8.
27. Sung H, Ferlay J, Siegel RL, Laversanne M, Soerjomataram I, Jemal A, et al. Global cancer statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2021;71(3):209-49.
28. Agustín A, Savirón R, Lerma D, Herrero A, Campillos JM. Coriocarcinoma postgestacional. Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecología. 2015;80(5):405-11.
29. Lukanova A, Kaaks R. Endogenous hormones and ovarian cancer: epidemiology and current hypotheses. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 2005;14(1):98-107.
30. Hanna L, Adams M. Prevention of ovarian cancer. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2006;20(2):339-62.
31. Funston G, O’Flynn H, Ryan NA, Hamilton W, Crosbie EJ. Recognizing gynecological cancer in primary care: risk factors, red flags, and referrals. Advances in therapy. 2018;35(4):577-89.
32. Roden R, Wu T-C. How will HPV vaccines affect cervical cancer? Nature Reviews Cancer. 2006;6(10):753-63.
33. Furau G, Dascau V, Furau C, Paiusan L, Adriana R, Stanescu C. Gynecological cancer age groups at the" Dr. salvator vuia" clinical obstetrics and gynecology hospital during the 2000-2009 Period. Maedica. 2011;6(4):268.
34. Kyari O, Nggada H, Mairiga A. Malignant tumours of female genital tract in North Eastern Nigeria. East African medical journal. 2004;81(3):142-5.
35. Mokhtari AM, Riahi S, Fathalipour M, Delam H, Hashemnejad M, Hassanipour S. The age-standardized rate of female genital cancers in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hayat. 2018;24(3):204-19.
2. Azizi F, Hatami H, Janghorbani M. Epidemiology and control of prevalent disease in Iran. Khosravi publication. 2004:265-79.
3. Babazadeh M, Pourali L, Attaran N, Nikfarjam Z, Masoudi T, Salehi M. Demographic survey of 600 patients with gynecologic cancers in Mashhad, Iran in 1985-2012. The Iranian Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility. 2016;19(3):1-8.
4. Amant F, Halaska MJ, Fumagalli M, Steffensen KD, Lok C, Van Calsteren K, et al. Gynecologic cancers in pregnancy: guidelines of a second international consensus meeting. International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer. 2014;24(3).
5. Siegel R, DeSantis C, Virgo K, Stein K, Mariotto A, Smith T, et al. Cancer treatment and survivorship statistics, 2012. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2012;62(4):220-41.
6. Kim K, Zang R, Choi S-C, Ryu S-Y, Kim JW. Current status of gynecological cancer in China. Journal of gynecologic oncology. 2009;20(2):72-6.
7. Jemal A, Bray F, Center MM, Ferlay J, Ward E, Forman D. Global cancer statistics. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2011;61(2):69-90.
8. Runowicz CD, Leach CR, Henry NL, Henry KS, Mackey HT, Cowens‐Alvarado RL, et al. American cancer society/American society of clinical oncology breast cancer survivorship care guideline. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2016;66(1):43-73.
9. Sankaranarayanan R, Ferlay J. Worldwide burden of gynaecological cancer: the size of the problem. Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology. 2006;20(2):207-25.
10. Radmard A. Five common cancers in Iran. Arch Iran Med. 2010;13(2):143.
11. Tarver T. Cancer facts & figures 2012. American cancer society (ACS) Atlanta, GA: American Cancer Society, 2012. 66 p., pdf. Available from. Taylor & Francis; 2012.
12. Arab M, Noghabaei G, Kazemi SN. Comparison of crude and age-specific incidence rates of breast, ovary, endometrium and cervix cancers in Iran, 2005. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2014;15(6):2461-4.
13. Ansariniaki M, Ghorbani R, Semnani V, Pahlavan S. Epidemiological-histopathological status of gynecological cancers in Iranian population: a 9-year study. Koomesh. 2017:484-91.
14. Mohaghegh F, Hamta A. The study of cancer incidence and cancer registration in Markazi province between 2001-2006 and comparison with national statistics, Iran. Journal of Arak University of Medical Sciences. 2008;11(2):84-93.
15. Hemati K, Mohagheghi S, Mousavi JS, Khabaz KM. Cancer incidence in Ilam. 2009.
16. Dey S, Hablas A, Seifeldin I, Ismail K, Ramadan M, El‐Hamzawy H, et al. Urban–rural differences of gynaecological malignancies in Egypt (1999–2002). BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2010;117(3):348-55.
17. Day GE, Lanier AP, Bulkow L, Kelly JJ, Murphy N. Cancers of the breast, uterus, ovary and cervix among Alaska Native women, 1974–2003. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 2010;69(1):72-86.
18. Minelli L, Stracci F, Cassetti T, Scheibel M, Sapia I, La Rosa F. Epidemiological overview on the effectiveness of mass screening for female cancer in Umbria, Italy. European journal of gynaecological oncology. 2007;28(4):297-301.
19. Razi S, Salehiniya H, Dizaji M. Epidemiology of prevalent cancer among Iranian women and its incidence trends from 2003-2009 in Iran. Arak Medical University Journal. 2015;18(2):17-24.
20. Gilani MM, Behnamfar F, Zamani F, Zamani N. Frequency of different types of ovarian cancer in Vali-e-Asr Hospital (Tehran University of Medical Sciences) 2001-2003. Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS. 2007;10(17):3026-8.
21. Yakasai I, Ugwa E, Otubu J. Gynecological malignancies in Aminu Kano teaching hospital Kano: A 3 year review. Nigerian journal of clinical practice. 2013;16(1):63-6.
22. Bassey EA, Ekpo M, Abasiatai A. Female genital tract malignancies in Uyo, South-South Nigeria. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2007;14(2):134-6.
23. Mohammed A, Avidime S, Oluwole O, Ahmed S. Malignant tumors of the female genital tract in Zaria, Nigeria. An analysis of 513 cases (1993-2003). Trop J obstet gynaecol. 2005;22:S45.
24. Bhurgri Y, Nazir K, Yasmeen Shaheen AU, Faridi N, Bhurgri H, Malik J, et al. Patho-epidemiology of Cancer Corpus Uteri in Karachi South. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention. 2007;8:489-94.
25. Akhtar Z, Majid A, Naz T, Jamal T, Qazi Q, Samad A. Frequency and clinicopathological presentation of gynaecological malignancies. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Institute. 2014;28(2).
26. Ashraf T, Haroon S. Gynaecological malignancies: frequency and outcome at a tertiary care hospital. The Professional Medical Journal. 2013;20(05):752-8.
27. Sung H, Ferlay J, Siegel RL, Laversanne M, Soerjomataram I, Jemal A, et al. Global cancer statistics 2020: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2021;71(3):209-49.
28. Agustín A, Savirón R, Lerma D, Herrero A, Campillos JM. Coriocarcinoma postgestacional. Revista chilena de obstetricia y ginecología. 2015;80(5):405-11.
29. Lukanova A, Kaaks R. Endogenous hormones and ovarian cancer: epidemiology and current hypotheses. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 2005;14(1):98-107.
30. Hanna L, Adams M. Prevention of ovarian cancer. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2006;20(2):339-62.
31. Funston G, O’Flynn H, Ryan NA, Hamilton W, Crosbie EJ. Recognizing gynecological cancer in primary care: risk factors, red flags, and referrals. Advances in therapy. 2018;35(4):577-89.
32. Roden R, Wu T-C. How will HPV vaccines affect cervical cancer? Nature Reviews Cancer. 2006;6(10):753-63.
33. Furau G, Dascau V, Furau C, Paiusan L, Adriana R, Stanescu C. Gynecological cancer age groups at the" Dr. salvator vuia" clinical obstetrics and gynecology hospital during the 2000-2009 Period. Maedica. 2011;6(4):268.
34. Kyari O, Nggada H, Mairiga A. Malignant tumours of female genital tract in North Eastern Nigeria. East African medical journal. 2004;81(3):142-5.
35. Mokhtari AM, Riahi S, Fathalipour M, Delam H, Hashemnejad M, Hassanipour S. The age-standardized rate of female genital cancers in Iran: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Hayat. 2018;24(3):204-19.
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Cancer Female Gynecologic Iran Prevalence |
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How to Cite
Soltani H, Ahmadi A, Afiat M, Zolala S. A Relative Frequency of Female Gynecologic Cancers in South Iran in the Years 2014-2019. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2024;15(3):179-186.