Original Articles

Development and preliminary validation of self-management scale for breast cancer patients in a tertiary hospital in southeastern Nigeria


Background: Self-management process of diseases aims to equip patients with specific information that will improve compliance with prescribed medication and develop strategies that will help maintain quality of life.   Methods: A set of 35-potential self-management model was developed for the breast cancer patients in 2 domains from extensive literature search. The Instrument was validated using Delphi technique, item-total correlation analysis, factor analysis, construct validity and reliability analysis. Consensus was reached on the content validation of the self-management scale with mean score > 3.5, median > 3.5, absolute value between the median and mode < 1.00. Results: Forty-three items emerged after content validation in 2 domains: demographic characteristics of patients, and self-management content. Construct validity for selected items of the instrument showed values above 0.5. Item-total correlation analysis resulted in 31-items of the instrument. Factor analysis revealed a multi-dimensional instrument. The internal consistency of the instrument was determined with values between 0.5 - 0.8. Conclusion: Preliminary validation of the instrument showed the instrument to be valid but the internal consistency needs to be evaluated further with larger population size. The self-management scale revealed level of self-management among the breast cancer patients. This instrument should form a reliable tool for evaluating self-management in breast cancer patients in Nigeria. 
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IssueVol 14 No 4 (2022) QRcode
SectionOriginal Articles
DOI https://doi.org/10.18502/bccr.v14i4.14671
Breast cancer patients development preliminary validation self-management scale tertiary hospital

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How to Cite
Okpalanma N, Ogbonna B, Ogbonna B. Development and preliminary validation of self-management scale for breast cancer patients in a tertiary hospital in southeastern Nigeria. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2023;14(4):220-232.