Anticancer Effects of Copper(II) Complexes Hydrazone −Based Schiff Base: A review
Cancer treatment has traditionally been comprised of established treatments such as radiation, surgical excision, and chemotherapy, which can be used alone or in combination. Many therapeutic factors have been extracted from minerals, plants, and animals, the majority of them have been synthesized in the lab, making them a valuable source of innovation pharmacologically. Due to the in vitro cytotoxic effect of metal complexes, the interest in these compounds increases day by day in cancer treatment. The electronic nature of metals, modifications in ligands, and conformational changes in functional groups give rise to the discovery of drugs with different cytotoxic and pharmacokinetic properties. In recent decades, the number of persons receiving chemotherapy has increased considerably. Medicinal inorganic chemistry can take advantage of the unique properties of metal ions to generate new drugs. This has prompted chemists to use various approaches creating novel metal-based anticancer drugs with various mechanisms of action, which are significant in the pharmaceutical industry due to their potent anticancer properties. Schiff base ligands and transition metals are the most researched coordination chemicals. Their applications as anticancer medicines are becoming more significant. This research analyzes various publications linked to copper complexes based on Schiff base hydrazone ligand in cancer treatment, and this review will analyze publications on these compounds' anticancer qualities.
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2. Abdolmaleki A, Asadi A, Gurushankar K, Shayan TK, Sarvestani FA. Importance of nano medicine and new drug therapies for cancer. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2021;11(3):450.
3. Alberg AJ, Brock MV, Ford JG, Samet JM, Spivack SD. Epidemi¬ology of lung cancer: Diagnosis and management of lung cancer: American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest. 2013;143(5):e1S-e29S.
4. French SA, Story M, Neumark-Sztainer D, Fulkerson JA, Hannan P. Fast food restaurant use among adolescents: associations with nutri¬ent intake, food choices and behavioral and psychosocial variables. International journal of obesity. 2001;25(12):1823-33.
5. Suzen S, Tekiner-Gulbas B, Shirinzadeh H, Uslu D, Gurer-Orhan H, Gumustas M, et al. Antioxidant activity of indole-based mel¬atonin analogues in erythrocytes and their voltammetric charac¬terization. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemis¬try. 2013;28(6):1143-55.
6. Hossain MS, Sarker S, Shaheed AE, Hossain MM, Alim-Al-Bari A, Karim MR, et al. Thermal and Spectral Characterization of Cr (III), Co (II) and Cd (II) Metal Complexes Containing Bis-Imine Novel Schiff Base Ligand Towards Potential Biological Applica¬tion. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. 2017;2(1):41-50.
7. Shaabani B, Khandar AA, Mobaiyen H, Ramazani N, Balula SS, Cunha-Silva L. Novel pseudohalide-bridged Cu (II) complexes with a hydrazone ligand: Evaluation of antimicrobial activity. Polyhedron. 2014;80:166-72.
8. Muthu V, Mylliemngap B, Prasad KT, Behera D, Singh N. Ad¬verse effects observed in lung cancer patients undergoing first-line chemotherapy and effectiveness of supportive care drugs in a resource-limited setting. Lung India: Official Organ of Indian Chest Society. 2019;36(1):32.
9. Mo Q, Deng J, Liu Y, Huang G, Li Z, Yu P, et al. Mixed-ligand Cu (II) hydrazone complexes designed to enhance anticancer activ¬ity. 2018;156:368-80.
10. Abd-Elzaher MM, Labib AA, Mousa HA, Moustafa SA, Ali MM, El-Rashedy AAJb-sujob, et al. Synthesis, anticancer activity and molecular docking study of Schiff base complexes containing thiazole moiety. 2016;5(1):85-96.
11. Mo Q, Deng J, Liu Y, Huang G, Li Z, Yu P, et al. Mixed-ligand Cu (II) hydrazone complexes designed to enhance anticancer activity. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2018;156:368-80.
12. Hosseini-Yazdi SA, Mirzaahmadi A, Khandar AA, Eigner V, Dušek M, Lotfipour F, et al. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro biological activities of new water-soluble copper (II), zinc (II), and nickel (II) complexes with sulfonato-substituted Schiff base ligand. Inorganica Chimica Acta. 2017;458:171-80.
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2. Abdolmaleki A, Asadi A, Gurushankar K, Shayan TK, Sarvestani FA. Importance of nano medicine and new drug therapies for cancer. Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2021;11(3):450.
3. Alberg AJ, Brock MV, Ford JG, Samet JM, Spivack SD. Epidemi¬ology of lung cancer: Diagnosis and management of lung cancer: American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Chest. 2013;143(5):e1S-e29S.
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5. Suzen S, Tekiner-Gulbas B, Shirinzadeh H, Uslu D, Gurer-Orhan H, Gumustas M, et al. Antioxidant activity of indole-based mel¬atonin analogues in erythrocytes and their voltammetric charac¬terization. Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemis¬try. 2013;28(6):1143-55.
6. Hossain MS, Sarker S, Shaheed AE, Hossain MM, Alim-Al-Bari A, Karim MR, et al. Thermal and Spectral Characterization of Cr (III), Co (II) and Cd (II) Metal Complexes Containing Bis-Imine Novel Schiff Base Ligand Towards Potential Biological Applica¬tion. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. 2017;2(1):41-50.
7. Shaabani B, Khandar AA, Mobaiyen H, Ramazani N, Balula SS, Cunha-Silva L. Novel pseudohalide-bridged Cu (II) complexes with a hydrazone ligand: Evaluation of antimicrobial activity. Polyhedron. 2014;80:166-72.
8. Muthu V, Mylliemngap B, Prasad KT, Behera D, Singh N. Ad¬verse effects observed in lung cancer patients undergoing first-line chemotherapy and effectiveness of supportive care drugs in a resource-limited setting. Lung India: Official Organ of Indian Chest Society. 2019;36(1):32.
9. Mo Q, Deng J, Liu Y, Huang G, Li Z, Yu P, et al. Mixed-ligand Cu (II) hydrazone complexes designed to enhance anticancer activ¬ity. 2018;156:368-80.
10. Abd-Elzaher MM, Labib AA, Mousa HA, Moustafa SA, Ali MM, El-Rashedy AAJb-sujob, et al. Synthesis, anticancer activity and molecular docking study of Schiff base complexes containing thiazole moiety. 2016;5(1):85-96.
11. Mo Q, Deng J, Liu Y, Huang G, Li Z, Yu P, et al. Mixed-ligand Cu (II) hydrazone complexes designed to enhance anticancer activity. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 2018;156:368-80.
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Schiff base ligands Copper(II) complexes hydrazone Anticancer |
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How to Cite
Fekri R, Abdolmaleki A, Asadi A, Salehi M, Karimian A, Taghizadehmomen L, Raheem R, Karimian L. Anticancer Effects of Copper(II) Complexes Hydrazone −Based Schiff Base: A review. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2022;13(2):143-155.