Induction of programmed cell death in lung cancer cells by secondary metabolites of Nocardia carnea UTMC 863 as soil actinomycetes
Background: Apoptosis induction is one of the effective mechanisms in cancer therapy. So far, a variety of natural sources have been identified for inducing apoptosis in cancer cells. This study proposed identifying promising active drug pharmacophores of soil actinomycetes with the capability of apoptosis induction in A549 cells, a human alveolar adenocarcinoma cell line. Methods: The crude extract of Nocardia carnea UTMC 863 was obtained from UTBC (University of Tehran Biocompound Collection). After 48 hours of exposure, cell viability, gene expression, and apoptosis rate were determined using MTT, quantitative real-time-PCR, and flow cytometry. Results: The MTT assay exhibited that the effective concentrations of UTMC863 and doxorubicin (positive control) were 24 µg/ml and 1 µM, respectively. UTMC 863 with the concentration of 24 µg/ml as well as doxorubicin could induce apoptosis in A549 cell line. Also, the expression of apoptosis-related genes was increased in the UTMC863 group compared to the untreated group (p<0.01). Conclusion: The crude extract of Nocardia carnea UTMC 863 can induce apoptosis in A549 cells, and it may be one of the promising pharmacophores for cancer therapy.
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2. Ko EC, Raben D, Formenti SC. The integration of ra¬diotherapy with immunotherapy for the treatment of non–small cell lung cancer. Clinical Cancer Re¬search. 2018;24[23]:5792-806.
3. Herbst RS, Morgensztern D, Boshoff C. The biology and management of non-small cell lung cancer. Na¬ture. 2018;553[7689]:446-54.
4. Byers LA, Rudin CM. Small cell lung cancer: where do we go from here? Cancer. 2015;121[5]:664-72.
5. Musavi H, Abazari O, Barartabar Z, Kalaki-Jouybari F, Hemmati-Dinarvand M, Esmaeili P, et al. The ben¬efits of Vitamin D in the COVID-19 pandemic: bio¬chemical and immunological mechanisms. Archives of physiology and biochemistry. 2020:1-9.
6. Wood SL, Pernemalm M, Crosbie PA, Whetton AD. Molecular histology of lung cancer: from tar¬gets to treatments. Cancer treatment reviews. 2015;41[4]:361-75.
7. Testa U, Castelli G, Pelosi E. Lung cancers: molecular characterization, clonal heterogeneity and evolution, and cancer stem cells. Cancers. 2018;10[8]:248.
8. Gandhi L, Rodríguez-Abreu D, Gadgeel S, Este¬ban E, Felip E, De Angelis F, et al. Pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy in metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer. New England journal of medicine. 2018;378[22]:2078-92.
9. Visconti R, Morra F, Guggino G, Celetti A. The be¬tween now and then of lung cancer chemotherapy and immunotherapy. International journal of molec¬ular sciences. 2017;18[7]:1374.
10. Musavi H, Abazari O, Safaee MS, Variji A, Koohshe¬kan B, Kalaki-Jouybari F, et al. Mechanisms of COVID-19 Entry into the Cell: Potential Therapeutic Approaches Based on Virus Entry Inhibition in COVID-19 Patients with Underlying Diseases. Ira¬nian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology. 2021;20[1]:11-23.
11. Pfeffer CM, Singh AT. Apoptosis: a target for an¬ti-cancer therapy. International journal of molecular sciences. 2018;19[2]:448.
12. Maleki N, Ravesh RK, Salehiyeh S, Faiz AF, Ebrahimi M, Sharbati A, et al. Comparative effects of estrogen and silibinin on cardiovascular risk biomarkers in ovariectomized rats. Gene. 2022;823:146365.
13. Goldar S, Khaniani MS, Derakhshan SM, Baradaran B. Molecular mechanisms of apoptosis and roles in cancer development and treatment. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. 2015;16[6]:2129-44.
14. Nobili S, Lippi D, Witort E, Donnini M, Bausi L, Mini E, et al. Natural compounds for cancer treat¬ment and prevention. Pharmacological research. 2009;59[6]:365-78.
15. Zare Z, Dizaj TN, Lohrasbi A, Sheikhalishahi ZS, Panji M, Hosseinabadi F, et al. The Effect of Piper¬ine on MMP-9, VEGF, and E-cadherin Expression in Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cell Line. Basic & Clinical Cancer Research. 2020;12[3]:112-9.
16. Millimouno FM, Dong J, Yang L, Li J, Li X. Targeting apoptosis pathways in cancer and perspectives with natural compounds from mother nature. Cancer pre¬vention research. 2014;7[11]:1081-107.
17. Olano C, Méndez C, Salas JA. Anti-tumor com¬pounds from marine actinomycetes. Marine drugs. 2009;7[2]:210-48.
18. Panji M, Behmard V, Zare Z, Malekpour M, Nejad¬biglari H, Yavari S, et al. Synergistic effects of green tea extract and paclitaxel in the induction of mi¬tochondrial apoptosis in ovarian cancer cell lines. Gene. 2021;787:145638.
19. Panji M, Behmard V, Zare Z, Malekpour M, Nejad¬biglari H, Yavari S, et al. Suppressing effects of green tea extract and Epigallocatechin-3-gallate [EGCG] on TGF-β-induced Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transi¬tion via ROS/Smad signaling in human cervical can¬cer cells. Gene. 2021;794:145774.
20. Ravikumar S, Fredimoses M, Gnanadesigan M. An¬ticancer property of sediment actinomycetes against MCF–7 and MDA–MB–231 cell lines. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012;2[2]:92-6.
21. Zotchev SB. Marine actinomycetes as an emerging resource for the drug development pipelines. Journal of biotechnology. 2012;158[4]:168-75.
22. Ravikumar S, Gnanadesigan M, Saravanan A, Mon¬isha N, Brindha V, Muthumari S. Antagonistic properties of seagrass associated Streptomyces sp. RAUACT-1: a source for anthraquinone rich com¬pound. Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine. 2012;5[11]:887-90.
23. Gao X, Lu Y, Xing Y, Ma Y, Lu J, Bao W, et al. A nov¬el anti-cancer and antifungus phenazine derivative from a marine actinomycete BM-17. Microbiological research. 2012;167[10]:616-22.
24. Pourgholi M, Abazari O, Pourgholi L, Ghasemi-Kas¬man M, Boroumand M. Association between rs3088440 [G> A] polymorphism at 9p21. 3 locus with the occurrence and severity of coronary artery disease in an Iranian population. Molecular Biology Reports. 2021;48[8]:5905-12.
25. Lu J, Ma Y, Liang J, Xing Y, Xi T, Lu Y. Aureolic acids from a marine-derived Streptomyces sp. WBF16. Mi-crobiological research. 2012;167[10]:590-5.
26. Helaly SE, Pesic A, Fiedler H-P, Süssmuth RD. Elaiomycins B and C: alkylhydrazide antibiot¬ics from Streptomyces sp. BK 190. Organic letters. 2011;13[5]:1052-5.
27. Sarrami S, Hamedi J, Mohammadipanah F, Rezayat Sorkhabadi SM. Study of Cytotoxic Effects of Metab¬olites Produced by Actinomycetes. Jundishapur Sci¬entific Medical Journal. 2014;13[3]:347-55.
28. Arlt A, Müerköster SS, Schäfer H. Targeting apop¬tosis pathways in pancreatic cancer. Cancer letters. 2013;332[2]:346-58.
29. Priyadarsini RV, Murugan RS, Maitreyi S, Rama¬lingam K, Karunagaran D, Nagini S. The flavonoid quercetin induces cell cycle arrest and mitochon¬dria-mediated apoptosis in human cervical can¬cer [HeLa] cells through p53 induction and NF-κBinhibition. European journal of pharmacology. 2010;649[1-3]:84-91.
30. Alam A, Ansari MA, Badrealam KF, Pathak S. Mo¬lecular approaches to lung cancer prevention. Future Oncology. 2021[0].
31. Fattah A, Morovati A, Niknam Z, Mashouri L, Asadi A, Rizi ST, et al. The synergistic combination of cispla¬tin and piperine induces apoptosis in MCF-7 cell line. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2021;50[5]:1037.
32. von Schwarzenberg K, Vollmar AM. Targeting apopto¬sis pathways by natural compounds in cancer: Marine compounds as lead structures and chemical tools for cancer therapy. Cancer letters. 2013;332[2]:295-303.
33. Demain AL, Sanchez S. Microbial drug discovery: 80 years of progress. The Journal of antibiotics. 2009;62[1]:5-16.
34. Shao J-j, Zhang A-p, Qin W, Zheng L, Zhu Y-f, Chen X. AMP-activated protein kinase [AMPK] activation is involved in chrysin-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis in cultured A549 lung cancer cells. Bio¬chemical and biophysical research communications. 2012;423[3]:448-53.
35. Shahidi M, Moradi A, Dayati P. Zingerone attenuates zearalenone-induced steroidogenesis impairment and apoptosis in TM3 Leydig cell line. Toxicon. 2022.
36. Dincsoy AB, Duman DC. Changes in apoptosis-re¬lated gene expression profiles in cancer cell lines exposed to usnic acid lichen secondary metabolite. Turkish Journal of Biology. 2017;41[3]:484-93.
37. Sun C, Mudassir S, Zhang Z, Feng Y, Chang Y, Che Q, et al. Secondary metabolites from deep-sea de¬rived microorganisms. Current medicinal chemistry. 2020;27[36]:6244-73.
38. Hong K, Gao A-H, Xie Q-Y, Gao HG, Zhuang L, Lin H-P, et al. Actinomycetes for marine drug discovery isolated from mangrove soils and plants in China. Marine drugs. 2009;7[1]:24-44.
39. Kumar P, Chauhan A, Kumar M, Kuanr BK, Kundu A, Solanki R, et al. In vitro and in silico anti-can¬cer potential analysis of Streptomyces sp. extract against human lung cancer cell line, A549. 3 Biotech. 2021;11[6]:1-12.
40. Rajan PC, Priya AM, Jayapradha D, Devi SS. Isolation and characterization of marine actinomycetes from West coast of India for its antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Archives. 2012;3[3]:641-5.
41. Khatun MF, Haque MU, Anisuzzaman ASM, Is¬lam MAU. Apoptosis on non-small lung cancer cells and DPPH radical scavenging activity of the crude ethyl acetate extract of a soil bacterial species FEAI-1. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021;11[01]:078-83.
42. Muller PA, Vousden KH. p53 mutations in cancer. Nature cell biology. 2013;15[1]:2-8.
43. Sherr CJ, McCormick F. The RB and p53 pathways in cancer. Cancer cell. 2002;2[2]:103-12.
44. Labuschagne CF, Zani F, Vousden KH. Control of metabolism by p53–cancer and beyond. Biochim¬ica et Biophysica Acta [BBA]-Reviews on Cancer. 2018;1870[1]:32-42.
45. Maleki N, Yavari N, Ebrahimi M, Faiz AF, Ravesh RK, Sharbati A, et al. Silibinin exerts anti-cancer activity on human ovarian cancer cells by increasing apopto¬sis and inhibiting epithelial-mesenchymal transition [EMT]. Gene. 2022;823:146275.
46. Carneiro BA, El-Deiry WS. Targeting apoptosis in cancer therapy. Nature reviews Clinical oncology. 2020;17[7]:395-417.
47. Voss AK, Strasser A. The essentials of developmental apoptosis. F1000Research. 2020;9.
48. Babaahmadi-Rezaei H, Little PJ, Mohamed R, Zadeh GM, Kheirollah A, Mehr RN, et al. Endothelin-1 me¬diated glycosaminoglycan synthesizing gene expres¬sion involves NOX-dependent transactivation of the transforming growth factor-β receptor. Molecular and cellular biochemistry. 2022:1-8.
49. Rambabu V, Suba S, Vijayakumar S. Antimicrobial and anti-proliferative prospective of kosinostatin–a secondary metabolite isolated from Streptomyces sp. Journal of pharmaceutical analysis. 2015;5[6]:378-82.
50. Balachandran C, Sangeetha B, Duraipandiyan V, Raj MK, Ignacimuthu S, Al-Dhabi N, et al. A flavo¬noid isolated from Streptomyces sp.[ERINLG-4] in¬duces apoptosis in human lung cancer A549 cells through p53 and cytochrome c release caspase de¬pendant pathway. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2014;224:24-35.
51. Son S, Jang M, Lee B, Jang J-P, Hong Y-S, Kim BY, et al. A pipecolic acid-rich branched cyclic depsipeptide ulleungamide C from a Streptomyces species induc¬es G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in promyelocytic leukemia cells. The Journal of Antibiotics. 2021;74[3]:181-9.
52. Tan LT-H, Chan C-K, Chan K-G, Pusparajah P, Khan TM, Ser H-L, et al. Streptomyces sp. MUM256: A source for apoptosis inducing and cell cycle-arresting bioactive compounds against colon cancer cells. Can¬cers. 2019;11[11]:1742.
2. Ko EC, Raben D, Formenti SC. The integration of ra¬diotherapy with immunotherapy for the treatment of non–small cell lung cancer. Clinical Cancer Re¬search. 2018;24[23]:5792-806.
3. Herbst RS, Morgensztern D, Boshoff C. The biology and management of non-small cell lung cancer. Na¬ture. 2018;553[7689]:446-54.
4. Byers LA, Rudin CM. Small cell lung cancer: where do we go from here? Cancer. 2015;121[5]:664-72.
5. Musavi H, Abazari O, Barartabar Z, Kalaki-Jouybari F, Hemmati-Dinarvand M, Esmaeili P, et al. The ben¬efits of Vitamin D in the COVID-19 pandemic: bio¬chemical and immunological mechanisms. Archives of physiology and biochemistry. 2020:1-9.
6. Wood SL, Pernemalm M, Crosbie PA, Whetton AD. Molecular histology of lung cancer: from tar¬gets to treatments. Cancer treatment reviews. 2015;41[4]:361-75.
7. Testa U, Castelli G, Pelosi E. Lung cancers: molecular characterization, clonal heterogeneity and evolution, and cancer stem cells. Cancers. 2018;10[8]:248.
8. Gandhi L, Rodríguez-Abreu D, Gadgeel S, Este¬ban E, Felip E, De Angelis F, et al. Pembrolizumab plus chemotherapy in metastatic non–small-cell lung cancer. New England journal of medicine. 2018;378[22]:2078-92.
9. Visconti R, Morra F, Guggino G, Celetti A. The be¬tween now and then of lung cancer chemotherapy and immunotherapy. International journal of molec¬ular sciences. 2017;18[7]:1374.
10. Musavi H, Abazari O, Safaee MS, Variji A, Koohshe¬kan B, Kalaki-Jouybari F, et al. Mechanisms of COVID-19 Entry into the Cell: Potential Therapeutic Approaches Based on Virus Entry Inhibition in COVID-19 Patients with Underlying Diseases. Ira¬nian journal of allergy, asthma, and immunology. 2021;20[1]:11-23.
11. Pfeffer CM, Singh AT. Apoptosis: a target for an¬ti-cancer therapy. International journal of molecular sciences. 2018;19[2]:448.
12. Maleki N, Ravesh RK, Salehiyeh S, Faiz AF, Ebrahimi M, Sharbati A, et al. Comparative effects of estrogen and silibinin on cardiovascular risk biomarkers in ovariectomized rats. Gene. 2022;823:146365.
13. Goldar S, Khaniani MS, Derakhshan SM, Baradaran B. Molecular mechanisms of apoptosis and roles in cancer development and treatment. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention. 2015;16[6]:2129-44.
14. Nobili S, Lippi D, Witort E, Donnini M, Bausi L, Mini E, et al. Natural compounds for cancer treat¬ment and prevention. Pharmacological research. 2009;59[6]:365-78.
15. Zare Z, Dizaj TN, Lohrasbi A, Sheikhalishahi ZS, Panji M, Hosseinabadi F, et al. The Effect of Piper¬ine on MMP-9, VEGF, and E-cadherin Expression in Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cell Line. Basic & Clinical Cancer Research. 2020;12[3]:112-9.
16. Millimouno FM, Dong J, Yang L, Li J, Li X. Targeting apoptosis pathways in cancer and perspectives with natural compounds from mother nature. Cancer pre¬vention research. 2014;7[11]:1081-107.
17. Olano C, Méndez C, Salas JA. Anti-tumor com¬pounds from marine actinomycetes. Marine drugs. 2009;7[2]:210-48.
18. Panji M, Behmard V, Zare Z, Malekpour M, Nejad¬biglari H, Yavari S, et al. Synergistic effects of green tea extract and paclitaxel in the induction of mi¬tochondrial apoptosis in ovarian cancer cell lines. Gene. 2021;787:145638.
19. Panji M, Behmard V, Zare Z, Malekpour M, Nejad¬biglari H, Yavari S, et al. Suppressing effects of green tea extract and Epigallocatechin-3-gallate [EGCG] on TGF-β-induced Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transi¬tion via ROS/Smad signaling in human cervical can¬cer cells. Gene. 2021;794:145774.
20. Ravikumar S, Fredimoses M, Gnanadesigan M. An¬ticancer property of sediment actinomycetes against MCF–7 and MDA–MB–231 cell lines. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. 2012;2[2]:92-6.
21. Zotchev SB. Marine actinomycetes as an emerging resource for the drug development pipelines. Journal of biotechnology. 2012;158[4]:168-75.
22. Ravikumar S, Gnanadesigan M, Saravanan A, Mon¬isha N, Brindha V, Muthumari S. Antagonistic properties of seagrass associated Streptomyces sp. RAUACT-1: a source for anthraquinone rich com¬pound. Asian Pacific journal of tropical medicine. 2012;5[11]:887-90.
23. Gao X, Lu Y, Xing Y, Ma Y, Lu J, Bao W, et al. A nov¬el anti-cancer and antifungus phenazine derivative from a marine actinomycete BM-17. Microbiological research. 2012;167[10]:616-22.
24. Pourgholi M, Abazari O, Pourgholi L, Ghasemi-Kas¬man M, Boroumand M. Association between rs3088440 [G> A] polymorphism at 9p21. 3 locus with the occurrence and severity of coronary artery disease in an Iranian population. Molecular Biology Reports. 2021;48[8]:5905-12.
25. Lu J, Ma Y, Liang J, Xing Y, Xi T, Lu Y. Aureolic acids from a marine-derived Streptomyces sp. WBF16. Mi-crobiological research. 2012;167[10]:590-5.
26. Helaly SE, Pesic A, Fiedler H-P, Süssmuth RD. Elaiomycins B and C: alkylhydrazide antibiot¬ics from Streptomyces sp. BK 190. Organic letters. 2011;13[5]:1052-5.
27. Sarrami S, Hamedi J, Mohammadipanah F, Rezayat Sorkhabadi SM. Study of Cytotoxic Effects of Metab¬olites Produced by Actinomycetes. Jundishapur Sci¬entific Medical Journal. 2014;13[3]:347-55.
28. Arlt A, Müerköster SS, Schäfer H. Targeting apop¬tosis pathways in pancreatic cancer. Cancer letters. 2013;332[2]:346-58.
29. Priyadarsini RV, Murugan RS, Maitreyi S, Rama¬lingam K, Karunagaran D, Nagini S. The flavonoid quercetin induces cell cycle arrest and mitochon¬dria-mediated apoptosis in human cervical can¬cer [HeLa] cells through p53 induction and NF-κBinhibition. European journal of pharmacology. 2010;649[1-3]:84-91.
30. Alam A, Ansari MA, Badrealam KF, Pathak S. Mo¬lecular approaches to lung cancer prevention. Future Oncology. 2021[0].
31. Fattah A, Morovati A, Niknam Z, Mashouri L, Asadi A, Rizi ST, et al. The synergistic combination of cispla¬tin and piperine induces apoptosis in MCF-7 cell line. Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2021;50[5]:1037.
32. von Schwarzenberg K, Vollmar AM. Targeting apopto¬sis pathways by natural compounds in cancer: Marine compounds as lead structures and chemical tools for cancer therapy. Cancer letters. 2013;332[2]:295-303.
33. Demain AL, Sanchez S. Microbial drug discovery: 80 years of progress. The Journal of antibiotics. 2009;62[1]:5-16.
34. Shao J-j, Zhang A-p, Qin W, Zheng L, Zhu Y-f, Chen X. AMP-activated protein kinase [AMPK] activation is involved in chrysin-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis in cultured A549 lung cancer cells. Bio¬chemical and biophysical research communications. 2012;423[3]:448-53.
35. Shahidi M, Moradi A, Dayati P. Zingerone attenuates zearalenone-induced steroidogenesis impairment and apoptosis in TM3 Leydig cell line. Toxicon. 2022.
36. Dincsoy AB, Duman DC. Changes in apoptosis-re¬lated gene expression profiles in cancer cell lines exposed to usnic acid lichen secondary metabolite. Turkish Journal of Biology. 2017;41[3]:484-93.
37. Sun C, Mudassir S, Zhang Z, Feng Y, Chang Y, Che Q, et al. Secondary metabolites from deep-sea de¬rived microorganisms. Current medicinal chemistry. 2020;27[36]:6244-73.
38. Hong K, Gao A-H, Xie Q-Y, Gao HG, Zhuang L, Lin H-P, et al. Actinomycetes for marine drug discovery isolated from mangrove soils and plants in China. Marine drugs. 2009;7[1]:24-44.
39. Kumar P, Chauhan A, Kumar M, Kuanr BK, Kundu A, Solanki R, et al. In vitro and in silico anti-can¬cer potential analysis of Streptomyces sp. extract against human lung cancer cell line, A549. 3 Biotech. 2021;11[6]:1-12.
40. Rajan PC, Priya AM, Jayapradha D, Devi SS. Isolation and characterization of marine actinomycetes from West coast of India for its antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Archives. 2012;3[3]:641-5.
41. Khatun MF, Haque MU, Anisuzzaman ASM, Is¬lam MAU. Apoptosis on non-small lung cancer cells and DPPH radical scavenging activity of the crude ethyl acetate extract of a soil bacterial species FEAI-1. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. 2021;11[01]:078-83.
42. Muller PA, Vousden KH. p53 mutations in cancer. Nature cell biology. 2013;15[1]:2-8.
43. Sherr CJ, McCormick F. The RB and p53 pathways in cancer. Cancer cell. 2002;2[2]:103-12.
44. Labuschagne CF, Zani F, Vousden KH. Control of metabolism by p53–cancer and beyond. Biochim¬ica et Biophysica Acta [BBA]-Reviews on Cancer. 2018;1870[1]:32-42.
45. Maleki N, Yavari N, Ebrahimi M, Faiz AF, Ravesh RK, Sharbati A, et al. Silibinin exerts anti-cancer activity on human ovarian cancer cells by increasing apopto¬sis and inhibiting epithelial-mesenchymal transition [EMT]. Gene. 2022;823:146275.
46. Carneiro BA, El-Deiry WS. Targeting apoptosis in cancer therapy. Nature reviews Clinical oncology. 2020;17[7]:395-417.
47. Voss AK, Strasser A. The essentials of developmental apoptosis. F1000Research. 2020;9.
48. Babaahmadi-Rezaei H, Little PJ, Mohamed R, Zadeh GM, Kheirollah A, Mehr RN, et al. Endothelin-1 me¬diated glycosaminoglycan synthesizing gene expres¬sion involves NOX-dependent transactivation of the transforming growth factor-β receptor. Molecular and cellular biochemistry. 2022:1-8.
49. Rambabu V, Suba S, Vijayakumar S. Antimicrobial and anti-proliferative prospective of kosinostatin–a secondary metabolite isolated from Streptomyces sp. Journal of pharmaceutical analysis. 2015;5[6]:378-82.
50. Balachandran C, Sangeetha B, Duraipandiyan V, Raj MK, Ignacimuthu S, Al-Dhabi N, et al. A flavo¬noid isolated from Streptomyces sp.[ERINLG-4] in¬duces apoptosis in human lung cancer A549 cells through p53 and cytochrome c release caspase de¬pendant pathway. Chemico-Biological Interactions. 2014;224:24-35.
51. Son S, Jang M, Lee B, Jang J-P, Hong Y-S, Kim BY, et al. A pipecolic acid-rich branched cyclic depsipeptide ulleungamide C from a Streptomyces species induc¬es G0/G1 cell cycle arrest in promyelocytic leukemia cells. The Journal of Antibiotics. 2021;74[3]:181-9.
52. Tan LT-H, Chan C-K, Chan K-G, Pusparajah P, Khan TM, Ser H-L, et al. Streptomyces sp. MUM256: A source for apoptosis inducing and cell cycle-arresting bioactive compounds against colon cancer cells. Can¬cers. 2019;11[11]:1742.
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Apoptosis Actinomycetes Lung cancer Doxorubicin |
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How to Cite
Moradi Gardeshi T, Norbakhsh R, Khaksari S, Boroughani Z. Induction of programmed cell death in lung cancer cells by secondary metabolites of Nocardia carnea UTMC 863 as soil actinomycetes. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2022;13(3):225-234.