Opium Carcinogenicity: A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies
Several epidemiological studies have reported that regular use of opium can be associated with an increased risk of developing cancers, including oesophageal, laryngeal, bladder, lung, and gastric cancer. In this systematic review, we aimed at investigating whether experimental studies support this finding and, if yes, how opium consumption can cause cancer. Most of the articles that have studied opium or its derivatives have found it as a carcinogen. However, due to the complex composition, different forms, and various ways of opium use, further comprehensive experimental studies are required. Using modern genomic and epigenomic methods seems to help determine the molecular mechanisms underlying opium carcinogenicity.
1. Shakeri R, Kamangar F, Nasrollahzadeh D, Nouraie M, Khademi H, Etemadi A, et al. Is opium a real risk factor for esophageal cancer or just a methodological artifact? Hospi-tal and neighborhood controls in case-control studies. PLoS One. 2012;7(3):e32711-e.
2. Mousavi M.R.A., Damghani MA, Haghdoust AA, Khame-sipour A. Opium and risk of laryngeal cancer. The Laryn-goscope.
3. 2003;113(11):1939-43.
4. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) World drug report 2010. United Nations Publication Sales No.:10.XI.13. New York, pp. 1–50.Dillenburg CF, Kruel C.D.P., Cerski CT, Edelweiss MI, Silva TLD, Schier AS. Morphine does not promote esoph-ageal carcinogenesis in rats exposed to diethylnitrosamine. Arquivos de Gastroenterologia. 2008;45(1):87-92.
5. Friesen M, O’Neill IK, Malaveille C, Garren L, Hautefeu-ille A, Cabral JR, et al. Characterization and identification of 6 mutagens in opium pyrolysates implicated in oesopha-geal cancer in Iran. Mutat Res. 1985;150(1-2):177-91.
6. Ray R, Kattimani S, Sharma H . Opium Abuse and its Management: Global Scenario. World Health Organiza-tion Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Management of Substance Abuse. National Drug De-pendence Treatment Centre All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India; 2006.
7. Zarghami M. Iranian Common Attitude Toward Opium Consumption. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2015;9(2):e2074-e.
8. International Narcotics Control Board. Report of the Inter-national Narcotics Control Board for 2014. United Nations Publication Sales No.: E.15.XI.1. New York, pp. 21-30.
9. Pacifici GM. Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of mor-phine in neonates: A review %J Clinics. 2016;71:474-80.
10. Junzo K, Hiroaki T, Hironori I, Yutaka K. Effects of N-me-thyl-D-aspartate antagonists on the cough reflex. European Journal of Pharmacology. 1989;168(2):153-8.
11. Bulduk I, Taktak F. Isolation and Characterization of Antitumor Alkaloid from Poppy Capsules (Papaver som-niferum). Journal of Chemistry. 2013;2013:493870.
12. Tegeder I, Grösch S, Schmidtko A, Häussler A, Schmidt H, Niederberger E, et al. G Protein-independent G<sub->1</sub> Cell Cycle Block and Apoptosis with Morphine in Adenocarcinoma Cells. Cancer Research. 2003;63(8):1846.
13. Sasamura T, Nakamura S, Iida Y, Fujii H, Murata J, Saiki I, et al. Morphine analgesia suppresses tumor growth and metastasis in a mouse model of cancer pain produced by orthotopic tumor inoculation. European Journal of Phar-macology. 2002;441(3):185-91.
14. Aneja R, Zhou J, Zhou B, Chandra R, Joshi HC. Treatment of hormone-refractory breast cancer: apoptosis and regres-sion of human tumors implanted in mice. Molecular cancer therapeutics. 2006;5(9):2366-77.
15. Chougule M, Patel AR, Sachdeva P, Jackson T, Singh M. Anticancer activity of Noscapine, an opioid alkaloid in combination with Cisplatin in human non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2011;71(3):271-82.
16. Aneja R, Ghaleb AM, Zhou J, Yang VW, Joshi HC. p53 and p21 determine the sensitivity of noscapine-in-duced apoptosis in colon cancer cells. Cancer research. 2007;67(8):3862-70.
17. OECD, Addressing Problematic Opioid Use in OECD Countries, OECD Health Policy Studies. OECD, Paris; 2019.
18. Shakeri R, Malekzadeh R, Etemadi A, Nasrollahzadeh D, Aghcheli K, Sotoudeh M, et al. Opium: an emerg-ing risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2013;133(2):455-61.
19. Khademi H, Malekzadeh R, Pourshams A, Jafari E, Salahi R, Semnani S, et al. Opium use and mortality in Golestan Cohort Study: prospective cohort study of 50,000 adults in Iran. B.M.J. 2012;344:e2502-e.
20. Somogyi AA, Larsen M, Abadi RM, Jittiwutikarn J, Ali R, White JM. Flexible dosing of tincture of opium in the man-agement of opioid withdrawal: pharmacokinetics and phar-macodynamics. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008;66(5):640-7.
21. Alzaidi MA, Arab HA, Amanpour S, Shirkoohi R, Mu-hammadnejad S, Sasani F. Opium Consumption and the Incidence of Cancer: Does Opium Account as an Emerg-ing Risk Factor for Gastrointestinal Cancer? J Gastrointest Cancer. 2018;49(2):172-80.
22. Afzali M, Ghaeli P, Khanavi M, Parsa M, Montazeri H, Ghahremani MH, et al. Non-addictive opium alkaloids se-lectively induce apoptosis in cancer cells compared to nor-mal cells. Daru. 2015;23:16.
23. Heidari N, Goliaei B, Moghaddam PR, Rahbar-Roshandel N, Mahmoudian M. Apoptotic pathway induced by nos-capine in human myelogenous leukemic cells. Anti-cancer drugs. 2007;18(10):1139-47.
24. He M, Jiang L, Ren Z, Wang G, Wang J. Noscapine targets EGFR(p-Tyr1068) to suppress the proliferation and inva-sion of MG63 cells. Sci Rep. 2016;6:37062.
25. Ke Y, Ye K, Grossniklaus HE, Archer DR, Joshi HC, Kapp JA. Noscapine inhibits tumor growth with little toxicity to normal tissues or inhibition of immune responses. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy. 2000;49(4-5):217-25.
26. Landen JW, Lang R, McMahon SJ, Rusan NM, Yvon A-M, Adams AW, et al. Noscapine alters microtubule dynamics in living cells and inhibits the progression of melanoma. 2002;62(14):4109-14.
27. Landen JW, Hau V, Wang M, Davis T, Ciliax B, Wain-er BH, et al. Noscapine crosses the blood-brain barri-er and inhibits glioblastoma growth. Clin Cancer Res. 2004;10(15):5187-201.
28. Liu M, Luo XJ, Liao F, Lei XF, Dong WG. Noscapine in-duces mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in gastric cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Chemotherapy and Phar-macology. 2011;67(3):605-12.
29. Newcomb EW, Lukyanov Y, Smirnova I, Schnee T, Zag-zag D. Noscapine induces apoptosis in human glioma cells by an apoptosis-inducing factor-dependent pathway. An-ti-cancer drugs. 2008;19(6):553-63.
30. Qi Q, Liu X, Li S, Joshi HC, Ye K. Synergistic suppres-sion of noscapine and conventional chemotherapeutics on human glioblastoma cell growth. Acta Pharmacologica Si-nica. 2013;34(7):930-8.
31. Quisbert-Valenzuela EO, Calaf G.M. Apoptotic ef-fect of noscapine in breast cancer cell lines. Int J Oncol2016;48(6):2666-74.
32. Sajadian S, Vatankhah M, Majdzadeh M, Kouhsari SM, Ghahremani MH, Ostad SN. Cell cycle arrest and apopto-genic properties of opium alkaloids noscapine and papaver-ine on breast cancer stem cells. (1537-6524 (Electronic)).
33. Shen W, Liang B, Yin J, Li X, Cheng J. Noscapine Increas-es the Sensitivity of Drug-Resistant Ovarian Cancer Cell Line SKOV3/DDP to Cisplatin by Regulating Cell Cycle and Activating Apoptotic Pathways. Cell Biochem Bio-phys. 2015;72(1):203-13.
34. Sung B, Ahn KS, Aggarwal BBJCr. Noscapine, a benzyli-soquinoline alkaloid, sensitizes leukemic cells to chemo-therapeutic agents and cytokines by modulating the NF-κB signaling pathway. 2010;70(8):3259-68.
35. Xu G, Niu Z, Dong J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Li X. Noscapine inhibits human hepatocellular carcinoma growth through inducing apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Neoplasma. 2016;63(5):726-33
36. .Yang ZR, Liu M, Peng XL, Lei XF, Zhang JX, Dong WG. Noscapine induces mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in hu-man colon cancer cells in vivo and in vitro. Biochem Bio-phys Res Commun. 2012;421(3):627-33.
37. Ye K, Ke Y, Keshava N, Shanks J, Kapp JA, Tekmal RR, et al. Opium alkaloid noscapine is an antitumor agent that arrests metaphase and induces apoptosis in dividing cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1998;95(4):1601-6.
38. Zhou J, Gupta K, Yao J, Ye K, Panda D, Giannakakou P, et al. Paclitaxel-resistant human ovarian cancer cells undergo c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase-mediated apoptosis in response to noscapine. J Biol Chem. 2002;277(42):39777-85.
39. Zhou J, Gupta K, Aggarwal S, Aneja R, Chandra R, Pan-da D, et al. Brominated derivatives of noscapine are po-tent microtubule-interfering agents that perturb mitosis and inhibit cell proliferation. Molecular Pharmacology. 2003;63(4):799-807.
40. Kirpnick Z, Homiski M, Rubitski E, Repnevskaya M, Howlett N, Aubrecht J, et al. Yeast DEL assay detects clas-togens. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Envi-ronmental Mutagenesis. 2005;582(1-2):116-34.
41. Igder S, Asadikaram GR, Sheykholeslam F, Sayadi AR, Mahmoodi M, Arababadi MK, et al. Opium induces apop-tosis in Jurkat cells. 2013;5(1-2):27.
42. Rida PC, LiVecche D, Ogden A, Zhou J, Aneja R. The Nos-capine Chronicle: A Pharmaco-Historic Biography of the Opiate Alkaloid Family and its Clinical Applications. Med Res Rev. 2015;35(5):1072-96.
43. Zagon IS, McLaughlin PJ. Heroin prolongs survival time and retards tumor growth in mice with neuroblastoma. Brain Research Bulletin. 1981;7(1):25-32.
44. Mottaghi M, Safinejad K, Mohammad Asghari HJSJ. Eval-uation of Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity of Opium Us-ing the Ames Test. 2017;25(9):728-35.
45. Malaveille C, Friesen M, Camus AM, Garren L, Hautefeu-ille A, Bereziat JC, et al. Mutagens produced by the py-rolysis of opium and its alkaloids as possible risk factors in cancer of the bladder and oesophagus. Carcinogenesis. 1982;3(5):577-85.
46. Hewer T, Rose E, Ghadirian P, Castegnaro M, Malaveil-le C, Bartsch H, et al. Ingested mutagens from opium and tobacco pyrolysis products and cancer of the oesophagus. Lancet. 1978;2(8088):494-6.
47. Khaleghi M, Farsinejad A, Dabiri S, Asadikaram G.J.C., Biology M. Induction of apoptosis by opium in some tumor cell lines. 2016;62(11):76-80.
48. Arababadi MK, Asadikaram GJIjobms. Opium induces ap-optosis in Jurkat cells via promotion of pro-apoptotic and inhibition of anti-apoptotic molecules. 2016;19(2):215.
49. Perry PE, Thomson EJ, Vijayalaxmi, Day NE, Bartsch H. Induction of S.C.E. by opium pyrolysates in C.H.O. cells and human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Carcinogenesis. 1983;4(2):227-30.
50. Tsuda H, Matsumoto K, Ogino H, Ito M, Hirono I, Nagao M, et al. Demonstration of Initiation Potential of Carcin-ogens by Induction of Preneoplastic Glutathione S‐Trans-ferase P‐Form‐positive Liver Cell Foci: Possible in vivo Assay System for Environmental Carcinogens. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research. 1993;84(3):230-6.
51. OECD. Test No. 451: Carcinogenicity Studies; 2018.
52. OECD. Test No. 471: Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test; 2020.
53. OECD. Assay No. 214: Guidance Document on the In Vitro Syrian Hamster Embryo (SHE) Cell Transformation; 2015.
54. Kilkenny C, Browne J, Cuthill C, Emerson M, Altman D. Animal research: reporting in vivo experiments: the AR-RIVE guidelines. British Journal of Pharmacology 2010; 160: 1577–1579.
55. Fallon M, Giusti R, Aielli F, Hoskin P, Rolke R, Sharma M, et al. Management of cancer pain in adult patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines. (1569-8041 (Electronic)).
56. Gidron E Fau - Leurer J, Leurer J. Naphthalene poisoning. (0140-6736 (Print)).
57. Wani AL, Ara A, Usmani JA. Lead toxicity: a review. Inter-disciplinary toxicology 2015;8(2):55-64.
58. Ghane T, Zamani N, Hassanian-Moghaddam H, Beyrami A, Noroozi A. Lead poisoning outbreak among opium users in the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2016-2017. Bull World Health Organ. 2018;96(3):165-72.
59. Martínez MA, Ballesteros S. Opium poisoning in modern times. An overview(1872-6283 (Electronic)).
2. Mousavi M.R.A., Damghani MA, Haghdoust AA, Khame-sipour A. Opium and risk of laryngeal cancer. The Laryn-goscope.
3. 2003;113(11):1939-43.
4. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) World drug report 2010. United Nations Publication Sales No.:10.XI.13. New York, pp. 1–50.Dillenburg CF, Kruel C.D.P., Cerski CT, Edelweiss MI, Silva TLD, Schier AS. Morphine does not promote esoph-ageal carcinogenesis in rats exposed to diethylnitrosamine. Arquivos de Gastroenterologia. 2008;45(1):87-92.
5. Friesen M, O’Neill IK, Malaveille C, Garren L, Hautefeu-ille A, Cabral JR, et al. Characterization and identification of 6 mutagens in opium pyrolysates implicated in oesopha-geal cancer in Iran. Mutat Res. 1985;150(1-2):177-91.
6. Ray R, Kattimani S, Sharma H . Opium Abuse and its Management: Global Scenario. World Health Organiza-tion Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Management of Substance Abuse. National Drug De-pendence Treatment Centre All India Institute of Medical Sciences New Delhi, India; 2006.
7. Zarghami M. Iranian Common Attitude Toward Opium Consumption. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2015;9(2):e2074-e.
8. International Narcotics Control Board. Report of the Inter-national Narcotics Control Board for 2014. United Nations Publication Sales No.: E.15.XI.1. New York, pp. 21-30.
9. Pacifici GM. Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of mor-phine in neonates: A review %J Clinics. 2016;71:474-80.
10. Junzo K, Hiroaki T, Hironori I, Yutaka K. Effects of N-me-thyl-D-aspartate antagonists on the cough reflex. European Journal of Pharmacology. 1989;168(2):153-8.
11. Bulduk I, Taktak F. Isolation and Characterization of Antitumor Alkaloid from Poppy Capsules (Papaver som-niferum). Journal of Chemistry. 2013;2013:493870.
12. Tegeder I, Grösch S, Schmidtko A, Häussler A, Schmidt H, Niederberger E, et al. G Protein-independent G<sub->1</sub> Cell Cycle Block and Apoptosis with Morphine in Adenocarcinoma Cells. Cancer Research. 2003;63(8):1846.
13. Sasamura T, Nakamura S, Iida Y, Fujii H, Murata J, Saiki I, et al. Morphine analgesia suppresses tumor growth and metastasis in a mouse model of cancer pain produced by orthotopic tumor inoculation. European Journal of Phar-macology. 2002;441(3):185-91.
14. Aneja R, Zhou J, Zhou B, Chandra R, Joshi HC. Treatment of hormone-refractory breast cancer: apoptosis and regres-sion of human tumors implanted in mice. Molecular cancer therapeutics. 2006;5(9):2366-77.
15. Chougule M, Patel AR, Sachdeva P, Jackson T, Singh M. Anticancer activity of Noscapine, an opioid alkaloid in combination with Cisplatin in human non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer. 2011;71(3):271-82.
16. Aneja R, Ghaleb AM, Zhou J, Yang VW, Joshi HC. p53 and p21 determine the sensitivity of noscapine-in-duced apoptosis in colon cancer cells. Cancer research. 2007;67(8):3862-70.
17. OECD, Addressing Problematic Opioid Use in OECD Countries, OECD Health Policy Studies. OECD, Paris; 2019.
18. Shakeri R, Malekzadeh R, Etemadi A, Nasrollahzadeh D, Aghcheli K, Sotoudeh M, et al. Opium: an emerg-ing risk factor for gastric adenocarcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2013;133(2):455-61.
19. Khademi H, Malekzadeh R, Pourshams A, Jafari E, Salahi R, Semnani S, et al. Opium use and mortality in Golestan Cohort Study: prospective cohort study of 50,000 adults in Iran. B.M.J. 2012;344:e2502-e.
20. Somogyi AA, Larsen M, Abadi RM, Jittiwutikarn J, Ali R, White JM. Flexible dosing of tincture of opium in the man-agement of opioid withdrawal: pharmacokinetics and phar-macodynamics. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2008;66(5):640-7.
21. Alzaidi MA, Arab HA, Amanpour S, Shirkoohi R, Mu-hammadnejad S, Sasani F. Opium Consumption and the Incidence of Cancer: Does Opium Account as an Emerg-ing Risk Factor for Gastrointestinal Cancer? J Gastrointest Cancer. 2018;49(2):172-80.
22. Afzali M, Ghaeli P, Khanavi M, Parsa M, Montazeri H, Ghahremani MH, et al. Non-addictive opium alkaloids se-lectively induce apoptosis in cancer cells compared to nor-mal cells. Daru. 2015;23:16.
23. Heidari N, Goliaei B, Moghaddam PR, Rahbar-Roshandel N, Mahmoudian M. Apoptotic pathway induced by nos-capine in human myelogenous leukemic cells. Anti-cancer drugs. 2007;18(10):1139-47.
24. He M, Jiang L, Ren Z, Wang G, Wang J. Noscapine targets EGFR(p-Tyr1068) to suppress the proliferation and inva-sion of MG63 cells. Sci Rep. 2016;6:37062.
25. Ke Y, Ye K, Grossniklaus HE, Archer DR, Joshi HC, Kapp JA. Noscapine inhibits tumor growth with little toxicity to normal tissues or inhibition of immune responses. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy. 2000;49(4-5):217-25.
26. Landen JW, Lang R, McMahon SJ, Rusan NM, Yvon A-M, Adams AW, et al. Noscapine alters microtubule dynamics in living cells and inhibits the progression of melanoma. 2002;62(14):4109-14.
27. Landen JW, Hau V, Wang M, Davis T, Ciliax B, Wain-er BH, et al. Noscapine crosses the blood-brain barri-er and inhibits glioblastoma growth. Clin Cancer Res. 2004;10(15):5187-201.
28. Liu M, Luo XJ, Liao F, Lei XF, Dong WG. Noscapine in-duces mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in gastric cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Chemotherapy and Phar-macology. 2011;67(3):605-12.
29. Newcomb EW, Lukyanov Y, Smirnova I, Schnee T, Zag-zag D. Noscapine induces apoptosis in human glioma cells by an apoptosis-inducing factor-dependent pathway. An-ti-cancer drugs. 2008;19(6):553-63.
30. Qi Q, Liu X, Li S, Joshi HC, Ye K. Synergistic suppres-sion of noscapine and conventional chemotherapeutics on human glioblastoma cell growth. Acta Pharmacologica Si-nica. 2013;34(7):930-8.
31. Quisbert-Valenzuela EO, Calaf G.M. Apoptotic ef-fect of noscapine in breast cancer cell lines. Int J Oncol2016;48(6):2666-74.
32. Sajadian S, Vatankhah M, Majdzadeh M, Kouhsari SM, Ghahremani MH, Ostad SN. Cell cycle arrest and apopto-genic properties of opium alkaloids noscapine and papaver-ine on breast cancer stem cells. (1537-6524 (Electronic)).
33. Shen W, Liang B, Yin J, Li X, Cheng J. Noscapine Increas-es the Sensitivity of Drug-Resistant Ovarian Cancer Cell Line SKOV3/DDP to Cisplatin by Regulating Cell Cycle and Activating Apoptotic Pathways. Cell Biochem Bio-phys. 2015;72(1):203-13.
34. Sung B, Ahn KS, Aggarwal BBJCr. Noscapine, a benzyli-soquinoline alkaloid, sensitizes leukemic cells to chemo-therapeutic agents and cytokines by modulating the NF-κB signaling pathway. 2010;70(8):3259-68.
35. Xu G, Niu Z, Dong J, Zhao Y, Zhang Y, Li X. Noscapine inhibits human hepatocellular carcinoma growth through inducing apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. Neoplasma. 2016;63(5):726-33
36. .Yang ZR, Liu M, Peng XL, Lei XF, Zhang JX, Dong WG. Noscapine induces mitochondria-mediated apoptosis in hu-man colon cancer cells in vivo and in vitro. Biochem Bio-phys Res Commun. 2012;421(3):627-33.
37. Ye K, Ke Y, Keshava N, Shanks J, Kapp JA, Tekmal RR, et al. Opium alkaloid noscapine is an antitumor agent that arrests metaphase and induces apoptosis in dividing cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1998;95(4):1601-6.
38. Zhou J, Gupta K, Yao J, Ye K, Panda D, Giannakakou P, et al. Paclitaxel-resistant human ovarian cancer cells undergo c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase-mediated apoptosis in response to noscapine. J Biol Chem. 2002;277(42):39777-85.
39. Zhou J, Gupta K, Aggarwal S, Aneja R, Chandra R, Pan-da D, et al. Brominated derivatives of noscapine are po-tent microtubule-interfering agents that perturb mitosis and inhibit cell proliferation. Molecular Pharmacology. 2003;63(4):799-807.
40. Kirpnick Z, Homiski M, Rubitski E, Repnevskaya M, Howlett N, Aubrecht J, et al. Yeast DEL assay detects clas-togens. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Envi-ronmental Mutagenesis. 2005;582(1-2):116-34.
41. Igder S, Asadikaram GR, Sheykholeslam F, Sayadi AR, Mahmoodi M, Arababadi MK, et al. Opium induces apop-tosis in Jurkat cells. 2013;5(1-2):27.
42. Rida PC, LiVecche D, Ogden A, Zhou J, Aneja R. The Nos-capine Chronicle: A Pharmaco-Historic Biography of the Opiate Alkaloid Family and its Clinical Applications. Med Res Rev. 2015;35(5):1072-96.
43. Zagon IS, McLaughlin PJ. Heroin prolongs survival time and retards tumor growth in mice with neuroblastoma. Brain Research Bulletin. 1981;7(1):25-32.
44. Mottaghi M, Safinejad K, Mohammad Asghari HJSJ. Eval-uation of Mutagenicity and Carcinogenicity of Opium Us-ing the Ames Test. 2017;25(9):728-35.
45. Malaveille C, Friesen M, Camus AM, Garren L, Hautefeu-ille A, Bereziat JC, et al. Mutagens produced by the py-rolysis of opium and its alkaloids as possible risk factors in cancer of the bladder and oesophagus. Carcinogenesis. 1982;3(5):577-85.
46. Hewer T, Rose E, Ghadirian P, Castegnaro M, Malaveil-le C, Bartsch H, et al. Ingested mutagens from opium and tobacco pyrolysis products and cancer of the oesophagus. Lancet. 1978;2(8088):494-6.
47. Khaleghi M, Farsinejad A, Dabiri S, Asadikaram G.J.C., Biology M. Induction of apoptosis by opium in some tumor cell lines. 2016;62(11):76-80.
48. Arababadi MK, Asadikaram GJIjobms. Opium induces ap-optosis in Jurkat cells via promotion of pro-apoptotic and inhibition of anti-apoptotic molecules. 2016;19(2):215.
49. Perry PE, Thomson EJ, Vijayalaxmi, Day NE, Bartsch H. Induction of S.C.E. by opium pyrolysates in C.H.O. cells and human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Carcinogenesis. 1983;4(2):227-30.
50. Tsuda H, Matsumoto K, Ogino H, Ito M, Hirono I, Nagao M, et al. Demonstration of Initiation Potential of Carcin-ogens by Induction of Preneoplastic Glutathione S‐Trans-ferase P‐Form‐positive Liver Cell Foci: Possible in vivo Assay System for Environmental Carcinogens. Japanese Journal of Cancer Research. 1993;84(3):230-6.
51. OECD. Test No. 451: Carcinogenicity Studies; 2018.
52. OECD. Test No. 471: Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test; 2020.
53. OECD. Assay No. 214: Guidance Document on the In Vitro Syrian Hamster Embryo (SHE) Cell Transformation; 2015.
54. Kilkenny C, Browne J, Cuthill C, Emerson M, Altman D. Animal research: reporting in vivo experiments: the AR-RIVE guidelines. British Journal of Pharmacology 2010; 160: 1577–1579.
55. Fallon M, Giusti R, Aielli F, Hoskin P, Rolke R, Sharma M, et al. Management of cancer pain in adult patients: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines. (1569-8041 (Electronic)).
56. Gidron E Fau - Leurer J, Leurer J. Naphthalene poisoning. (0140-6736 (Print)).
57. Wani AL, Ara A, Usmani JA. Lead toxicity: a review. Inter-disciplinary toxicology 2015;8(2):55-64.
58. Ghane T, Zamani N, Hassanian-Moghaddam H, Beyrami A, Noroozi A. Lead poisoning outbreak among opium users in the Islamic Republic of Iran, 2016-2017. Bull World Health Organ. 2018;96(3):165-72.
59. Martínez MA, Ballesteros S. Opium poisoning in modern times. An overview(1872-6283 (Electronic)).
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Issue | Vol 12 No 2 (2020) | |
Section | Reviews | |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.18502/bccr.v12i2.5756 | |
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Opium carcinogenicity guideline neoplasm |
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How to Cite
Rafipour H, Mohebbi E, Zendehdel K, Muhammadnejad S, Akbari P, Hashemi S, Nouri K, Moradkhani F, Barati T, Amanpour S. Opium Carcinogenicity: A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2020;12(2):98-108.