The Effects of Individual Diet Therapy on Food Intake, Quality of Life, and Related Serum Proteins in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Background: In cancer patients, weight loss due to malnutrition has a significant impact on the patients’ treatment and quality of life. This study aimed to determine the appropriate therapeutic strategy to control the side effects of chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer to improve their health, quality of life, and nutritional status. Methods: In our prospective study, we examined gastric cancer patients who were Seventy patients undergoing chemotherapy were included and randomly divided into intervention (n=35) and control groups (n=35). The intervention group received an individualized diet according to their nutritional needs for eight weeks, and the control group received dietary advice on the side effects of chemotherapy. Malnutrition, nutritional barriers, and patients’ quality of life were evaluated by PG-SGA, nutritional barriers, and QLQ-C30 questionnaires. Serum proteins were also assessed at the beginning and the end of the study. Results: The patients’ mean age was 50.91±1.72 years in the intervention group and 51±1.35 in the control group. According to the PG-SGA questionnaire classification, 68.5% of patients had malnutrition at baseline. In the intervention group, the mean score of PG-SGA decreased, which indicated an improvement in patients’ nutritional status. Increased scores in the functional section of QLQC30 and a decrease in the symptom section of this questionnaire indicated the improved quality of life in patients undergoing treatment at the end of the intervention. Albumin (P<0.001) and hemoglobin (P<0.001) levels increased in the intervention group, while there were no significant changes in these variables of the control group. Serum levels of ferritin did not show significant changes in either the intervention or the control group. Conclusion: Identifying nutritional barriers in breast cancer patients and individual diet therapy based on these barriers and nutritional needs reduces nutritional barriers. Consequently, malnutrition would decline, and the quality of life may enhance in these patients.
1. Siegel RL, Miller KD, Jemal A. Cancer statistics, 2015. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2015;65(1):5-29.
2. DeSantis CE, Ma J, Goding Sauer A, Newman LA, Jemal A. Breast cancer statistics, 2017, racial disparity in mortality by state. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2017;67(6):439-48.
3. Agarwal G, Pradeep P, Aggarwal V, Yip C-H, Cheung PS. Spectrum of breast cancer in Asian women. World journal of surgery. 2007;31(5):1031-40.
4. Yip C-H. Breast cancer in Asia. Cancer Epidemiology: Springer; 2009. p. 51-64.
5. Binkley JM, Harris SR, Levangie PK, Pearl M, Guglielmino J, Kraus V, et al. Patient perspectives on breast cancer treatment side effects and the prospective surveillance model for physical rehabilitation for women with breast cancer. Cancer. 2012;118(S8):2207-16.
6. O'Brien KM, Whelan DR, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Eating disorders and breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers. 2017;26(2):206-11.
7. Darga LL, Magnan M, Mood D, Hryniuk WM, DiLaura NM, Djuric Z, editors. Quality of life as a predictor of weight loss in obese, early-stage breast cancer survivors. Oncology nursing forum; 2007.
8. Bodai BI, Tuso P. Breast cancer survivorship: a comprehensive review of long-term medical issues and lifestyle recommendations. The Permanente Journal. 2015;19(2):48.
9. Ottery FD. Definition of standardized nutritional assessment and interventional pathways in oncology. Nutrition. 1996;12(1):S15-S9.
10. Adamsen L, Midtgaard J, Rorth M, Borregaard N, Andersen C, Quist M, et al. Feasibility, physical capacity, and health benefits of a multidimensional exercise program for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Supportive care in cancer. 2003;11(11):707-16.
11. Abazari O, Divsalar A, Ghobadi R. Inhibitory effects of oxali-Platin as a chemotherapeutic drug on the function and structure of bovine liver catalase. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2020;38(2):609-15.
12. Linos E, Willett WC, Cho E, Frazier L. Adolescent diet in relation to breast cancer risk among premenopausal women. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers. 2010;19(3):689-96.
13. Abbasi M, Asadi A, Musavi H. Association of Liver Aminotransferases with Lipid Profile in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Medical Laboratory Journal. 2019;13(6):11-6.
14. Wu A, Yu M, Tseng C, Pike M. Epidemiology of soy exposures and breast cancer risk. British journal of cancer. 2008;98(1):9-14.
15. Fund WCR, Research AIfC. Food, nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective: Amer Inst for Cancer Research; 2007.
16. Abazari O, Divsalar A, Ghobadi R. Inhibitory effects of oxali-Platin as a chemotherapeutic drug on the function and structure of bovine liver catalase. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2019:1-7.
17. La Vecchia C, Giordano SH, Hortobagyi GN, Chabner B. Overweight, obesity, diabetes, and risk of breast cancer: interlocking pieces of the puzzle. The oncologist. 2011;16(6):726.
18. Abbasi M. Investigation of the lipid profile in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. Archives of Medical Laboratory Sciences. 2017;3(4).
19. Khosravi M, Sadighi S, Moradi S, Zendehdel K. Translation, Adaptation and Reliability of Persian-McGill Pain Questionnaire (P-MPQ) in Iranian Cancer Patients. Basic & Clinical Cancer Research. 2014;6(3):12-7.
20. Khoshnevis N, Shahid Sales S, Alizadeh M, MirSadraei M, Akbari, Mohammad Esmaeil. Nutritional assessment of cancer patients by PG-SGA questionnaire in Cancer Research Center (CRC) of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 2010. Pejouhesh dar Pezeshki (Research in Medicine). 2012;36(3):132-8.
21. Abazari O, Shafaei Z, Divsalar A, Eslami-Moghadam M, Ghalandari B, Saboury AA. Probing the biological evaluations of a new designed Pt (II) complex using spectroscopic and theoretical approaches: Human hemoglobin as a target. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2016;34(5):1123-31.
22. Mirzaei A, Abbasi M, Sepehri S, Mirzaei M. The Effects of Allium porrum and Medicago sativa on Iron Concentration in Thalassemia Serums. Life Science Journal. 2013;10(11s).
23. de Boer-Dennert M, De Wit R, Schmitz P, Djontono J, v Beurden V, Stoter G, et al. Patient perceptions of the side-effects of chemotherapy: the influence of 5HT3 antagonists. British journal of cancer. 1997;76(8):1055-61.
24. Gupta D, Lis CG. Pretreatment serum albumin as a predictor of cancer survival: a systematic review of the epidemiological literature. Nutrition journal. 2010;9(1):69.
25. Laky B, Janda M, Bauer J, Vavra C, Cleghorn G, Obermair A. Malnutrition among gynaecological cancer patients. European journal of clinical nutrition. 2007;61(5):642-6.
26. Abazari O, Shafaei Z, Divsalar A, Eslami-Moghadam M, Ghalandari B, Saboury AA, et al. Interaction of the synthesized anticancer compound of the methyl-glycine 1, 10-phenanthroline platinum nitrate with human serum albumin and human hemoglobin proteins by spectroscopy methods and molecular docking. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society. 2020:1-14.
27. Nadalin W, Waitzberg D. Nutritional intervention improves the caloric and proteic ingestion of head and neck cancer patients under radiotherapy. Nutricion hospitalaria. 2005;20(5):320-5.
28. Dempsey DT, Mullen JL. Macronutrient requirements in the malnourished cancer patient. How much of what and why? Cancer. 1985;55(S1):290-4.
29. Charney P. Nutrition screening vs nutrition assessment: how do they differ? Nutrition in Clinical Practice. 2008;23(4):366-72.
30. Bozzetti F. Nutritional assessment from the perspective of a clinician. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 1987;11:115S-21S.
31. Abbasi M, Abazari OO. Probing the Biological evaluations of a new designed Palladium (II) complex using spectroscopic and theoretical approaches: Human Hemoglobin as a Target. Archives of Medical Laboratory Sciences. 2018;3(3).
32. Long CL, Schaffel N, Geiger JW, Schiller WR, Blakemore WS. Metabolic response to injury and illness: estimation of energy and protein needs from indirect calorimetry and nitrogen balance. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 1979;3(6):452-6.
33. Abbasi M, Namjoo AR, Khamesipour F. Ethanol effects on histobiochemical parameters of suckling pups borned from alcoholic rat mothers. Comparative Clinical Pathology. 2016;25(4):833-9.
34. Hjermstad M, Fayers P, Bjordal K, Kaasa S. Using reference data on quality of life—the importance of adjusting for age and gender, exemplified by the EORTC QLQ-C30 (+ 3). European Journal of Cancer. 1998;34(9):1381-9.
35. Asadi A, Nezhad DY, Javazm AR, Khanicheragh P, Mashouri L, Shakeri F, et al. In vitro Effects of Curcumin on Transforming Growth Factor-β-mediated Non-Smad Signaling Pathway, Oxidative Stress, and Pro‐inflammatory Cytokines Production with Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 2019:1-10.
36. van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren MA. Nutritional support strategies for malnourished cancer patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2005;9:S74-S83.
37. Nitenberg G, Raynard B. Nutritional support of the cancer patient: issues and dilemmas. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology. 2000;34(3):137-68.
38. Abbasi M, Namjoo A. Low dose effects of ethanol on suckling rats: Enzymes activity, histological alterations and growth parameters. Journal of Shahrekord Uuniversity of Medical Sciences. 2013;15.
39. Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S. Krause's food, nutrition, & diet therapy: Saunders Philadelphia; 2004.
40. Gil KM, Frasure HE, Hopkins MP, Jenison EL, von Gruenigen VE. Body weight and composition changes in ovarian cancer patients during adjuvant chemotherapy. Gynecologic oncology. 2006;103(1):247-52.
41. Vincent I, De Vita J, Hellmann S, Rosenberg A. Principles and Practice of oncology. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins; 2001.
42. Bauer J, Capra S. Comparison of a malnutrition screening tool with subjective global assessment in hospitalised patients with cancer—sensitivity and specificity. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition. 2003;12(3).
43. Sun L-C, Chu K-S, Cheng S-C, Lu C-Y, Kuo C-H, Hsieh J-S, et al. Preoperative serum carcinoembryonic antigen, albumin and age are supplementary to UICC staging systems in predicting survival for colorectal cancer patients undergoing surgical treatment. 2009;9(1):288.
44. Shafaei Z, Abazari O, Divsalar A, Ghalandari B, Poursoleiman A, Saboury AA, et al. Effect of a Synthesized Amyl-Glycine1, 10-Phenanthroline Platinum Nitrate on Structure and Stability of Human Blood Carrier Protein, Albumin: Spectroscopic and Modeling Approaches. Journal of fluorescence. 2017;27(5):1829-38.
45. Fuhrman MP, Charney P, Mueller CMJJotADA. Hepatic proteins and nutrition assessment. 2004;104(8):1258-64.
46. Marín MC, Gómez CC, Castillo RR, Lourenço TN, García MH, Loria VK, et al. Nutritional risk evaluation and establishment of nutritional support in oncology patients according to the protocol of the Spanish Nutrition and Cancer Group. 2008;23(5):458-68.
47. Guerra LT, Rosa ARPd, Romani RF, Gurski RR, Schirmer CC, Kruel CDPJNhMV, no. 2 , p. 241-242. Serum transferrin and serum prealbumin as markers of response to nutritional support in patients with esophageal cancer. 2009.
48. Shi H-B, Li X-D, Jiang J-T, Zhao W-Q, Ji M, Wu C-PJJocr, et al. Serum ferritin is elevated in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients and is associated with efficacy of platinum-based chemotherapy. 2014;10(3):681.
49. Lorenzi M, Lorenzi B, Vernillo RJTIjobm. Serum ferritin in colorectal cancer patients and its prognostic evaluation. 2006;21(4):235-41.
50. Beckman L, Van Landeghem G, Sikstrom C, Wahlin A, Markevarn B, Hallmans G, et al. Interaction between haemochromatosis and transferrin receptor genes in different neoplastic disorders. 1999;20(7):1231-3.
51. Kitano T, Tada H, Nishimura T, Teramukai S, Kanai M, Nishimura T, et al. Prevalence and incidence of anemia in Japanese cancer patients receiving outpatient chemotherapy. 2007;86(1):37-41.
52. Ludwig H. Prevalence and incidence of anemia and risk factors for anemia in patients with cancer. Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (rhEPO) in Clinical Oncology: Springer; 2008. p. 189-206.
2. DeSantis CE, Ma J, Goding Sauer A, Newman LA, Jemal A. Breast cancer statistics, 2017, racial disparity in mortality by state. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians. 2017;67(6):439-48.
3. Agarwal G, Pradeep P, Aggarwal V, Yip C-H, Cheung PS. Spectrum of breast cancer in Asian women. World journal of surgery. 2007;31(5):1031-40.
4. Yip C-H. Breast cancer in Asia. Cancer Epidemiology: Springer; 2009. p. 51-64.
5. Binkley JM, Harris SR, Levangie PK, Pearl M, Guglielmino J, Kraus V, et al. Patient perspectives on breast cancer treatment side effects and the prospective surveillance model for physical rehabilitation for women with breast cancer. Cancer. 2012;118(S8):2207-16.
6. O'Brien KM, Whelan DR, Sandler DP, Weinberg CR. Eating disorders and breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers. 2017;26(2):206-11.
7. Darga LL, Magnan M, Mood D, Hryniuk WM, DiLaura NM, Djuric Z, editors. Quality of life as a predictor of weight loss in obese, early-stage breast cancer survivors. Oncology nursing forum; 2007.
8. Bodai BI, Tuso P. Breast cancer survivorship: a comprehensive review of long-term medical issues and lifestyle recommendations. The Permanente Journal. 2015;19(2):48.
9. Ottery FD. Definition of standardized nutritional assessment and interventional pathways in oncology. Nutrition. 1996;12(1):S15-S9.
10. Adamsen L, Midtgaard J, Rorth M, Borregaard N, Andersen C, Quist M, et al. Feasibility, physical capacity, and health benefits of a multidimensional exercise program for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Supportive care in cancer. 2003;11(11):707-16.
11. Abazari O, Divsalar A, Ghobadi R. Inhibitory effects of oxali-Platin as a chemotherapeutic drug on the function and structure of bovine liver catalase. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2020;38(2):609-15.
12. Linos E, Willett WC, Cho E, Frazier L. Adolescent diet in relation to breast cancer risk among premenopausal women. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers. 2010;19(3):689-96.
13. Abbasi M, Asadi A, Musavi H. Association of Liver Aminotransferases with Lipid Profile in Patients with Type II Diabetes Mellitus. Medical Laboratory Journal. 2019;13(6):11-6.
14. Wu A, Yu M, Tseng C, Pike M. Epidemiology of soy exposures and breast cancer risk. British journal of cancer. 2008;98(1):9-14.
15. Fund WCR, Research AIfC. Food, nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective: Amer Inst for Cancer Research; 2007.
16. Abazari O, Divsalar A, Ghobadi R. Inhibitory effects of oxali-Platin as a chemotherapeutic drug on the function and structure of bovine liver catalase. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2019:1-7.
17. La Vecchia C, Giordano SH, Hortobagyi GN, Chabner B. Overweight, obesity, diabetes, and risk of breast cancer: interlocking pieces of the puzzle. The oncologist. 2011;16(6):726.
18. Abbasi M. Investigation of the lipid profile in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism. Archives of Medical Laboratory Sciences. 2017;3(4).
19. Khosravi M, Sadighi S, Moradi S, Zendehdel K. Translation, Adaptation and Reliability of Persian-McGill Pain Questionnaire (P-MPQ) in Iranian Cancer Patients. Basic & Clinical Cancer Research. 2014;6(3):12-7.
20. Khoshnevis N, Shahid Sales S, Alizadeh M, MirSadraei M, Akbari, Mohammad Esmaeil. Nutritional assessment of cancer patients by PG-SGA questionnaire in Cancer Research Center (CRC) of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 2010. Pejouhesh dar Pezeshki (Research in Medicine). 2012;36(3):132-8.
21. Abazari O, Shafaei Z, Divsalar A, Eslami-Moghadam M, Ghalandari B, Saboury AA. Probing the biological evaluations of a new designed Pt (II) complex using spectroscopic and theoretical approaches: Human hemoglobin as a target. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 2016;34(5):1123-31.
22. Mirzaei A, Abbasi M, Sepehri S, Mirzaei M. The Effects of Allium porrum and Medicago sativa on Iron Concentration in Thalassemia Serums. Life Science Journal. 2013;10(11s).
23. de Boer-Dennert M, De Wit R, Schmitz P, Djontono J, v Beurden V, Stoter G, et al. Patient perceptions of the side-effects of chemotherapy: the influence of 5HT3 antagonists. British journal of cancer. 1997;76(8):1055-61.
24. Gupta D, Lis CG. Pretreatment serum albumin as a predictor of cancer survival: a systematic review of the epidemiological literature. Nutrition journal. 2010;9(1):69.
25. Laky B, Janda M, Bauer J, Vavra C, Cleghorn G, Obermair A. Malnutrition among gynaecological cancer patients. European journal of clinical nutrition. 2007;61(5):642-6.
26. Abazari O, Shafaei Z, Divsalar A, Eslami-Moghadam M, Ghalandari B, Saboury AA, et al. Interaction of the synthesized anticancer compound of the methyl-glycine 1, 10-phenanthroline platinum nitrate with human serum albumin and human hemoglobin proteins by spectroscopy methods and molecular docking. Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society. 2020:1-14.
27. Nadalin W, Waitzberg D. Nutritional intervention improves the caloric and proteic ingestion of head and neck cancer patients under radiotherapy. Nutricion hospitalaria. 2005;20(5):320-5.
28. Dempsey DT, Mullen JL. Macronutrient requirements in the malnourished cancer patient. How much of what and why? Cancer. 1985;55(S1):290-4.
29. Charney P. Nutrition screening vs nutrition assessment: how do they differ? Nutrition in Clinical Practice. 2008;23(4):366-72.
30. Bozzetti F. Nutritional assessment from the perspective of a clinician. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 1987;11:115S-21S.
31. Abbasi M, Abazari OO. Probing the Biological evaluations of a new designed Palladium (II) complex using spectroscopic and theoretical approaches: Human Hemoglobin as a Target. Archives of Medical Laboratory Sciences. 2018;3(3).
32. Long CL, Schaffel N, Geiger JW, Schiller WR, Blakemore WS. Metabolic response to injury and illness: estimation of energy and protein needs from indirect calorimetry and nitrogen balance. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 1979;3(6):452-6.
33. Abbasi M, Namjoo AR, Khamesipour F. Ethanol effects on histobiochemical parameters of suckling pups borned from alcoholic rat mothers. Comparative Clinical Pathology. 2016;25(4):833-9.
34. Hjermstad M, Fayers P, Bjordal K, Kaasa S. Using reference data on quality of life—the importance of adjusting for age and gender, exemplified by the EORTC QLQ-C30 (+ 3). European Journal of Cancer. 1998;34(9):1381-9.
35. Asadi A, Nezhad DY, Javazm AR, Khanicheragh P, Mashouri L, Shakeri F, et al. In vitro Effects of Curcumin on Transforming Growth Factor-β-mediated Non-Smad Signaling Pathway, Oxidative Stress, and Pro‐inflammatory Cytokines Production with Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells. Iranian Journal of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. 2019:1-10.
36. van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren MA. Nutritional support strategies for malnourished cancer patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2005;9:S74-S83.
37. Nitenberg G, Raynard B. Nutritional support of the cancer patient: issues and dilemmas. Critical reviews in oncology/hematology. 2000;34(3):137-68.
38. Abbasi M, Namjoo A. Low dose effects of ethanol on suckling rats: Enzymes activity, histological alterations and growth parameters. Journal of Shahrekord Uuniversity of Medical Sciences. 2013;15.
39. Mahan LK, Escott-Stump S. Krause's food, nutrition, & diet therapy: Saunders Philadelphia; 2004.
40. Gil KM, Frasure HE, Hopkins MP, Jenison EL, von Gruenigen VE. Body weight and composition changes in ovarian cancer patients during adjuvant chemotherapy. Gynecologic oncology. 2006;103(1):247-52.
41. Vincent I, De Vita J, Hellmann S, Rosenberg A. Principles and Practice of oncology. Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins; 2001.
42. Bauer J, Capra S. Comparison of a malnutrition screening tool with subjective global assessment in hospitalised patients with cancer—sensitivity and specificity. Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition. 2003;12(3).
43. Sun L-C, Chu K-S, Cheng S-C, Lu C-Y, Kuo C-H, Hsieh J-S, et al. Preoperative serum carcinoembryonic antigen, albumin and age are supplementary to UICC staging systems in predicting survival for colorectal cancer patients undergoing surgical treatment. 2009;9(1):288.
44. Shafaei Z, Abazari O, Divsalar A, Ghalandari B, Poursoleiman A, Saboury AA, et al. Effect of a Synthesized Amyl-Glycine1, 10-Phenanthroline Platinum Nitrate on Structure and Stability of Human Blood Carrier Protein, Albumin: Spectroscopic and Modeling Approaches. Journal of fluorescence. 2017;27(5):1829-38.
45. Fuhrman MP, Charney P, Mueller CMJJotADA. Hepatic proteins and nutrition assessment. 2004;104(8):1258-64.
46. Marín MC, Gómez CC, Castillo RR, Lourenço TN, García MH, Loria VK, et al. Nutritional risk evaluation and establishment of nutritional support in oncology patients according to the protocol of the Spanish Nutrition and Cancer Group. 2008;23(5):458-68.
47. Guerra LT, Rosa ARPd, Romani RF, Gurski RR, Schirmer CC, Kruel CDPJNhMV, no. 2 , p. 241-242. Serum transferrin and serum prealbumin as markers of response to nutritional support in patients with esophageal cancer. 2009.
48. Shi H-B, Li X-D, Jiang J-T, Zhao W-Q, Ji M, Wu C-PJJocr, et al. Serum ferritin is elevated in advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients and is associated with efficacy of platinum-based chemotherapy. 2014;10(3):681.
49. Lorenzi M, Lorenzi B, Vernillo RJTIjobm. Serum ferritin in colorectal cancer patients and its prognostic evaluation. 2006;21(4):235-41.
50. Beckman L, Van Landeghem G, Sikstrom C, Wahlin A, Markevarn B, Hallmans G, et al. Interaction between haemochromatosis and transferrin receptor genes in different neoplastic disorders. 1999;20(7):1231-3.
51. Kitano T, Tada H, Nishimura T, Teramukai S, Kanai M, Nishimura T, et al. Prevalence and incidence of anemia in Japanese cancer patients receiving outpatient chemotherapy. 2007;86(1):37-41.
52. Ludwig H. Prevalence and incidence of anemia and risk factors for anemia in patients with cancer. Recombinant Human Erythropoietin (rhEPO) in Clinical Oncology: Springer; 2008. p. 189-206.
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Breast Cancer Diet Therapy Malnutrition Chemotherapy Randomized Clinical Trial. |
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How to Cite
Fallah A, Parnian K, Abdolazimi H, Tezerji S, Mazloom Z. The Effects of Individual Diet Therapy on Food Intake, Quality of Life, and Related Serum Proteins in Patients with Breast Cancer: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2021;12(3):140-152.