Performance Indicators of Breast Cancer Screening program Based on National Screening Guideline in Rural area of Rudsar City in Gilan Province, Iran
Background: According to the World Health Organization, the high prevalence of breast cancer mortality in the least developed countries is because breast cancer is diagnosed at late stages. Accordingly, cost-effective breast cancer screening plans are the most effective methods to control this cancer and also increase women's survival.Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted to evaluate the performance of the breast cancer screening program based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Health on 14,493 eligible women in rural areas of the Rudsar city in 2018-19. Providing target coverage, identification of the at-risk population, early diagnosis, referral index, and other statistical indices were calculated, analyzed and quantified using the relevant scales and SPSS 22 software.Results: The target population coverage was estimated at 48%. The results showed that 0.4% of the cases (27 cases) were identified as high-risk group according to national guidelines with referral to a specialist of 100%. All cases identified at the first stage of screening were found with BIRADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System)4 and 5 based on biopsy specimens. Conclusion: The low target population coverage, as well as the cases with advanced breast cancer, indicated the need for more attention and consideration in implementing programs and policies for preventable cancer by all organizations. In this regard, there is a need for relevant interventions and follow-up by health authorities.
1. World Health Organization (WHO): Brest cancer. Available from: Accessed:2020
2. World Health Organization (WHO):Cancer prevention. .Accessed:2020
3. World Health Organization (WHO ):Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chance of successful treatment. Available .from: Accessed:2005.
4. International Agency for Research on Cancer. GLOBOCAN 2008 cancer fact sheet. 2008. Accessed May 21, 2013
5. Farshbaf Khalili A, Shahnazi M, Ghahvechi A, Thorabi Sh. (Performance conditions of breast cancer screening methods and its efficient factors among women referring to health centers of Tabriz (Persian)).Nursing Research Journal. 2009;4(12-13):27-38.
6. Rutledge DN, Barsevick A, Knobf MT, Book binder M. Breast cancer detection: Knowledge attitudes andbehaviors of women from Pennsylvania. Oncol Nurs: Forum. 2001;28(6):1032-40.
7. Vahabi M. Breast cancer screening methods: a review of the evidence. Health Care Woman Int.2003;24(9):773-93.
8. Sirus M, Ebrahimi A. (Epidemiology of tumor in women's breast in Isfahan (Persian)). Iranian J Surg.2009;16(3):1-6.
9. Arirchi I, Zarbakhsh M. Breast cancer in Iran: results of multi-center study. Asi Pac J Cancer Prev.2004;5(1):24-7.
10. Mousavi SM, Montazeri A, Mohagheghi MA, Jarrahi AM, Harirchi I. (Breast cancer in Iran: anepidemiological review (Persian)). The Breast Journal. 2007;13(4):383-91
11. Akbari ME, Mirzaei HR. Opening Speech. Abstract book of 9th International Breast Cancer Congress. 1st ed. Tehran:Resaneh Takhasosi Pub; 2014.
12. Behjati F, Atri M, Najmabadi H, Nouri K, Zamani M. (Prognostic value of chromosome 1 and 8 copy numberin invasive ductal breast carcinoma among Iranian women: an interphase FISH analysis (Persian)). PathologyOncology Research. 2005;11(3):157-63.
13. Berg WA, Blume JD, Cormack JB, Mendelson EB, Lehrer D, Böhm-Vélez M, et al. Combined screening with ultrasound and mammography versus mammography alone in women at elevated risk of breast cancer. JAMA2008;299(18):2151-63.
14. Grson ES. Screening mammography, sonography of dense fibrocystic breast tissue. Am J Roentgenol.2003;181:1715-7
15. Bawazir A1, Bashateh N2, Jradi H3, Breik AB2.Breast Cancer Screening Awareness and Practices Among Women Attending Primary Health Care Centers in the Ghail Bawazir District of Yemen. 2019 Feb;19(1):e20-e29. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2018.09.005. Epub 2018 Sep 20
16. Kulkarni SV1, Mishra GA1, Dusane RR1. Determinants of Compliance to Breast Cancer Screening and Referral in Low Socio-Economic Regions of Urban India. 2019 May 17;10:84. doi: 10.4103/ijpvm.IJPVM_335_17. eCollection 2019
17. Yurt S, Saglam Aksut R, Kadioglu H. The effect of peer education on health beliefs about breast cancer screeningInt Nurs Rev. 2019 Jun 11. doi: 10.1111/inr.12517
18. Lennarth Nyström, Nils Bjurstam, Håkan Jonsson, Sophia Zackrisson, Jan Frisell, Reduced breast cancer mortality after 20+ years of follow-up in the Swedish randomized controlled mammography trials in Malmö, Stockholm, and Göteborg. Journal of Medical Screening. 2017; 24(1): 34-42.
19. Entezar Mahdi Rasoul, Ramazani Rashid, Shamshiri, Ahmad Reza, Etemadkourash. National Breast Cancer Control Program of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Operational Program and Implementation Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening with Clinical Examination and Mammography. Ministry of Health and Medical Education;2011.
20.Pam Stephan , Doru Paul, MD. Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS).on July 20, 2019 .
21. David H. Howard, Lisa C. Richardson, and Kenneth E. Thorpe. Cancer Screening And Age In The United States And Europe. C a n c e r S c r e e n i n g. Downloaded from on February 06, 2020
22. Vilma Kriaucioniene, Janina Petkevicien.Predictors and Trend in Attendance for Breast Cancer Screening in Lithuania, 2006–2014. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(22), 4535;
23. Naghibi SA, Shojaizadeh D, Yazdani CJ, Montazeri A. Breast cancer preventive behaviors among Iranian women: a systematic review. Payesh 2015; 14(2):181-91.
24. Fouladi N, Pourfarzi F, Daneshian A, Alimohammadi S. Mediating Factors in Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: from Initial Changes in Health to Breast Cancer Detection, 2018;19,10.2751
25. Monfared A, Ghanbari A, Jansar Hosseini L, Norozi N. Status of Screening by Mammography and its Related Factors in the General Population of Women in Rasht . IJN. 2017; 30 (107) :32-41
26. Safaee A, Zeighami B, Tabatabaee H, Moghimi Dehkordi B. Quality of life and Related Factors in Breast Cancer Patients under Chemotherapy. irje. 2008; 3 (3 and 4) :61-66
27. Lakzaei M, Salarilak S, Khalkhali H R, Maleki D, Esnaashari O. ASSOCIATION BETWEEN AGE OF MORBIDITY AND PROGNOSIS OF BREAST CANCER. Stud Med Sci. 2015; 26 (7) :625-633.URL:
28. Rejali, M., Yadegarfar, G., Mostajeran, M., Aghdak, P., Fadaei, R., & Ansari, R. (2018). Evaluation of the Status of Breast Cancer Screening in Women in Isfahan Province, Iran. Health System Research, 13(4), 415-421.
2. World Health Organization (WHO):Cancer prevention. .Accessed:2020
3. World Health Organization (WHO ):Early detection of cancer greatly increases the chance of successful treatment. Available .from: Accessed:2005.
4. International Agency for Research on Cancer. GLOBOCAN 2008 cancer fact sheet. 2008. Accessed May 21, 2013
5. Farshbaf Khalili A, Shahnazi M, Ghahvechi A, Thorabi Sh. (Performance conditions of breast cancer screening methods and its efficient factors among women referring to health centers of Tabriz (Persian)).Nursing Research Journal. 2009;4(12-13):27-38.
6. Rutledge DN, Barsevick A, Knobf MT, Book binder M. Breast cancer detection: Knowledge attitudes andbehaviors of women from Pennsylvania. Oncol Nurs: Forum. 2001;28(6):1032-40.
7. Vahabi M. Breast cancer screening methods: a review of the evidence. Health Care Woman Int.2003;24(9):773-93.
8. Sirus M, Ebrahimi A. (Epidemiology of tumor in women's breast in Isfahan (Persian)). Iranian J Surg.2009;16(3):1-6.
9. Arirchi I, Zarbakhsh M. Breast cancer in Iran: results of multi-center study. Asi Pac J Cancer Prev.2004;5(1):24-7.
10. Mousavi SM, Montazeri A, Mohagheghi MA, Jarrahi AM, Harirchi I. (Breast cancer in Iran: anepidemiological review (Persian)). The Breast Journal. 2007;13(4):383-91
11. Akbari ME, Mirzaei HR. Opening Speech. Abstract book of 9th International Breast Cancer Congress. 1st ed. Tehran:Resaneh Takhasosi Pub; 2014.
12. Behjati F, Atri M, Najmabadi H, Nouri K, Zamani M. (Prognostic value of chromosome 1 and 8 copy numberin invasive ductal breast carcinoma among Iranian women: an interphase FISH analysis (Persian)). PathologyOncology Research. 2005;11(3):157-63.
13. Berg WA, Blume JD, Cormack JB, Mendelson EB, Lehrer D, Böhm-Vélez M, et al. Combined screening with ultrasound and mammography versus mammography alone in women at elevated risk of breast cancer. JAMA2008;299(18):2151-63.
14. Grson ES. Screening mammography, sonography of dense fibrocystic breast tissue. Am J Roentgenol.2003;181:1715-7
15. Bawazir A1, Bashateh N2, Jradi H3, Breik AB2.Breast Cancer Screening Awareness and Practices Among Women Attending Primary Health Care Centers in the Ghail Bawazir District of Yemen. 2019 Feb;19(1):e20-e29. doi: 10.1016/j.clbc.2018.09.005. Epub 2018 Sep 20
16. Kulkarni SV1, Mishra GA1, Dusane RR1. Determinants of Compliance to Breast Cancer Screening and Referral in Low Socio-Economic Regions of Urban India. 2019 May 17;10:84. doi: 10.4103/ijpvm.IJPVM_335_17. eCollection 2019
17. Yurt S, Saglam Aksut R, Kadioglu H. The effect of peer education on health beliefs about breast cancer screeningInt Nurs Rev. 2019 Jun 11. doi: 10.1111/inr.12517
18. Lennarth Nyström, Nils Bjurstam, Håkan Jonsson, Sophia Zackrisson, Jan Frisell, Reduced breast cancer mortality after 20+ years of follow-up in the Swedish randomized controlled mammography trials in Malmö, Stockholm, and Göteborg. Journal of Medical Screening. 2017; 24(1): 34-42.
19. Entezar Mahdi Rasoul, Ramazani Rashid, Shamshiri, Ahmad Reza, Etemadkourash. National Breast Cancer Control Program of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Operational Program and Implementation Guidelines for Breast Cancer Screening with Clinical Examination and Mammography. Ministry of Health and Medical Education;2011.
20.Pam Stephan , Doru Paul, MD. Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS).on July 20, 2019 .
21. David H. Howard, Lisa C. Richardson, and Kenneth E. Thorpe. Cancer Screening And Age In The United States And Europe. C a n c e r S c r e e n i n g. Downloaded from on February 06, 2020
22. Vilma Kriaucioniene, Janina Petkevicien.Predictors and Trend in Attendance for Breast Cancer Screening in Lithuania, 2006–2014. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16(22), 4535;
23. Naghibi SA, Shojaizadeh D, Yazdani CJ, Montazeri A. Breast cancer preventive behaviors among Iranian women: a systematic review. Payesh 2015; 14(2):181-91.
24. Fouladi N, Pourfarzi F, Daneshian A, Alimohammadi S. Mediating Factors in Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: from Initial Changes in Health to Breast Cancer Detection, 2018;19,10.2751
25. Monfared A, Ghanbari A, Jansar Hosseini L, Norozi N. Status of Screening by Mammography and its Related Factors in the General Population of Women in Rasht . IJN. 2017; 30 (107) :32-41
26. Safaee A, Zeighami B, Tabatabaee H, Moghimi Dehkordi B. Quality of life and Related Factors in Breast Cancer Patients under Chemotherapy. irje. 2008; 3 (3 and 4) :61-66
27. Lakzaei M, Salarilak S, Khalkhali H R, Maleki D, Esnaashari O. ASSOCIATION BETWEEN AGE OF MORBIDITY AND PROGNOSIS OF BREAST CANCER. Stud Med Sci. 2015; 26 (7) :625-633.URL:
28. Rejali, M., Yadegarfar, G., Mostajeran, M., Aghdak, P., Fadaei, R., & Ansari, R. (2018). Evaluation of the Status of Breast Cancer Screening in Women in Isfahan Province, Iran. Health System Research, 13(4), 415-421.
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Mass Screening Breast Cancer Guidelines Evaluation |
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How to Cite
Pakdaman F, Shakerian S. Performance Indicators of Breast Cancer Screening program Based on National Screening Guideline in Rural area of Rudsar City in Gilan Province, Iran. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2020;12(2):70-80.