Vitamin D Deficiency in High and Low Risk Populations for Esophageal Cancer in Northern Iran
Background: Diverse relationships were proposed between esophageal cancer (EC) and serum levels of vitamin D. We aimed to assess serum vitamin D levels in high and low-risk populations for EC in Northern Iran. Methods:: This cross sectional study was conducted in Golestan province, Northern Iran. Based on the incidence rates of EC, the province was divided into high-risk and low-risk populations. A stratified cluster sampling method was used. Serum vitamin D level was assessed by ELISA method. The proportions of vitamin D deficiency were compared between the two populations. Results: Totally, 246 persons were studied with mean age of 50.7 years. 96 subjects were men (39%). 119 subjects (48.8%) were from high-risk and 127 (51.6%) were from low-risk area. Thirty-two of 244 (13.1%) persons had vitamin D deficiency. The proportions of vitamin D deficiency were 7.9% and 18.3% in high- and low-risk populations (p=0.02). Conclusion: We found a significant higher level of vitamin D deficiency in low-risk than high-risk population for EC. Regarding the ecological design of this study, causal inference could not be made from our results. So, it is recommended to investigate this issue in future individual-level studies in this area and other high-risk populations.
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2. Napier KJ, Scheerer M, Misra S. Esophageal cancer: A Reviewof epidemiology, pathogenesis, staging workup andtreatment modalities. World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2014;6(5): 112-120. doi: 10.4251/wjgo.v6.i5.112.
3. Pennathur A, Gibson MK, Jobe BA, Luketich JD. Oesophagealcarcinoma. Lancet. 2013; 381: 400-412. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60643-6.
4. Bird-Lieberman EL, Fitzqerald RC. Early diagnosis ofoesophageal cancer. Br J Cancer. 2009; 101(1): 1-6. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6605126.
5. Mahboubi E, Kmet J, Cook PJ, Day NE, Ghadirian P,Salmasizadeh S. esophageal cancer studies in the CaspianLittoral of Iran: the Caspian cancer registry. Br J Cancer.1973; 28(3): 197-214.
6. Nasrollahzadeh D, Kamangar F, Aghcheli K, Sotoudeh M,Islami F, Abnet C, et al . Opium, tobacco, and alcohol use inrelation to oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in a highriskarea of Iran. Br J Cancer. 2008; 98(11): 1857-63. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6604369. Epub 2008 May 13.
7. Sepehr A, Kamanqar F, Fahimi S, Saidi F, Abnet CC,Dawsey SM. Poor oral health as a risk factor for esophagealsquamous dysplasia in northeastern Iran. Anticancer Res.2005; 25(1B): 543-6.
8. Islami F, Pourshams A., Nasrollahzadeh D, Kamangar F,Fahimi S, Shakeri R, et al. Tea drinking habits and oesophagealcancer in a high risk area in northern Iran:population based case-control study. BMJ. 2009; 338: b929.doi:10.1136/bmj.b929.
9. Islami F, Kamangar F, Nasrollahzadeh D, Aghcheli K, SotoudehM, Abedi-Ardekani B, et al. Socio-conomic statusand oesophageal cancer: results from a population-based case control study in a high-risk area. Int J Epidemiol. 2009;38(4): 978-88. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyp195.
10. Abedi-Ardekani B, Kamanqar F, Hewitt SM, Hainaut P, Sotoudeh M, Abnet C, et al. Polycyclic aromatichydrocarbon exposure in oesophageal tissue and risk ofoesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in north-eastern Iran.Gut. 2010; 59(9): 1178-83. doi: 10.1136/gut.2010.210609.
11. Giovannucci E, Liu Y, Rimm EB, Hollis BW, Fuchs CS,Stampfer MJ, et al. Prospective study of predictors of vitaminD status and cancer incidence and mortality in men.J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006; 98(7): 451–9. Doi: 10.1093/jnci/djj101.
12. Abnet CC, Qiao YL, Dawsey SM, Buckman DW, Yang CS,Blot WJ, et al. Prospective study of serum retinol, β-carotene,β-cryptoxanthin, and lutein/zeaxanthin and esophagealand gastric cancers in China. Cancer Causes Control. 2003;14(7): 645–55.
13. Chen W, Dawsey SM, Qiao Y-L, Mark SD, Dong Z-W,Taylor PR, et al. Prospective study of serum 25(OH)-vitaminD concentration and risk of esophageal and gastriccancers. British Journal of Cancer. 2007; 97(1): 123-8. DOI:10.1038/sj.bjc.6603834.
14. Boscoe, FP, Schymura MJ. Solar ultraviolet-B exposure andcancer incidence and mortality in the United States, 1993–2002. BMC Cancer. 2006; 6: 264. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-6-264.
15. Grant, WB. An estimate of premature cancer mortality in theU.S. due to inadequate doses of solar ultraviolet-B radiation.Cancer. 2002; 94(6): 1867-75.
16. Grant, WB. Does Solar Ultraviolet Irradiation affect CancerMortality Rates in China?. Asian Pac J Cancer Pre. 2007;8(2): 236-42.
17. Roshandel G, Sadjadi A, Aarabi M, Keshtkar A, SedaghatSM, Nouraie SM, et al. Cancer Incidence in olestan Province:Report of an Ongoing Population-based Cancer Registryin Iran between 2004 and 2008. Arch Iran Med. 2012;15(4): 196-200. doi: 012154/AIM.004.
18. McCullough ML, Weinstein SJ, Freedman DM, HelzlsouerK, Flanders WD, Koenig K. Correlates of Circulating25-Hydroxyvitamin D Cohort Consortium Vitamin D Pool-ing Project of Rarer Cancers. Am J Epidemiol. 2010; 172(1):21–35. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwq113.
19. Alagol F, Shhadeh Y, Boztepe H, Tanakol R, Yarman S,Azizlerli H, et al. Sunlight exposure and vitaminD deficiencyin Turkish women. J Endocrinol Innvest. 2000; 23(3):173-7. doi:10.1007/BF03343702.
20. Holick MF, Binkley NC, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Gordon CM,Hanley DA, Heaney RP, et al. Evaluation, Treatment, andPrevention of Vitamin D Deficiency: an Endocrine SocietyClinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011;96(7): 1911–1930. doi: 10.1210/jc.2011 0385.
21. Looker AC, Pfeiffer CM, Lacher DA, Schleicher RL, PiccianoMF, Yetley EA. Serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D statusof the US population: 1988- 1994 compared with 2000-2004. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008; 88(6): 1519-27. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26182.
22. Holick MF. Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and preventionof autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovasculardisease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004; 80(6 Suppl): 1678– 88.
23. Chapuy MC, Preziosi P, Maamer M, Arnaud S, GalanP,Hercberg S, et al. Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiencyin an adult normal population. Osteoporos Int. 1997; 7(5):439-43.
24. Burnard B, Sloutskis D, Gianoli F, Cornuz J, Rickenbach, Paccaud F, et al. Serum hydroxy vitamin D:distribution and determinants in the Swiss population. Am JClin Nutr. 1992, 56(3): 537-42.
25. Gloth FM 3rd, Gundberg CM, Hollis BW, Haddad JG JR,Tobin JD. Vitamin D deficiencyin homebound elderly persons.JAMA. 1995; 274(21): 1683–6.
26. Janssen H, Samson MM, Verhaar HJ. Vitamin D deficiency,muscle function, and falls in elderly people. Am J Clin Nutr.2002; 75:611–5.
27. Omdahl JL, Garry PJ, Hunsaker LA, Hunt WC, Goodwin JS.Nutritional status in a healthy elderly population: vitamin D.Am J Clin Nutr. 1982; 36:1225–33
28. Holick MF. Environmental factors that influence the cutaneousproduction of vitamin D. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995; 61(3Suppl): 638–45.
2. Napier KJ, Scheerer M, Misra S. Esophageal cancer: A Reviewof epidemiology, pathogenesis, staging workup andtreatment modalities. World J Gastrointest Oncol. 2014;6(5): 112-120. doi: 10.4251/wjgo.v6.i5.112.
3. Pennathur A, Gibson MK, Jobe BA, Luketich JD. Oesophagealcarcinoma. Lancet. 2013; 381: 400-412. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(12)60643-6.
4. Bird-Lieberman EL, Fitzqerald RC. Early diagnosis ofoesophageal cancer. Br J Cancer. 2009; 101(1): 1-6. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6605126.
5. Mahboubi E, Kmet J, Cook PJ, Day NE, Ghadirian P,Salmasizadeh S. esophageal cancer studies in the CaspianLittoral of Iran: the Caspian cancer registry. Br J Cancer.1973; 28(3): 197-214.
6. Nasrollahzadeh D, Kamangar F, Aghcheli K, Sotoudeh M,Islami F, Abnet C, et al . Opium, tobacco, and alcohol use inrelation to oesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in a highriskarea of Iran. Br J Cancer. 2008; 98(11): 1857-63. doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6604369. Epub 2008 May 13.
7. Sepehr A, Kamanqar F, Fahimi S, Saidi F, Abnet CC,Dawsey SM. Poor oral health as a risk factor for esophagealsquamous dysplasia in northeastern Iran. Anticancer Res.2005; 25(1B): 543-6.
8. Islami F, Pourshams A., Nasrollahzadeh D, Kamangar F,Fahimi S, Shakeri R, et al. Tea drinking habits and oesophagealcancer in a high risk area in northern Iran:population based case-control study. BMJ. 2009; 338: b929.doi:10.1136/bmj.b929.
9. Islami F, Kamangar F, Nasrollahzadeh D, Aghcheli K, SotoudehM, Abedi-Ardekani B, et al. Socio-conomic statusand oesophageal cancer: results from a population-based case control study in a high-risk area. Int J Epidemiol. 2009;38(4): 978-88. doi: 10.1093/ije/dyp195.
10. Abedi-Ardekani B, Kamanqar F, Hewitt SM, Hainaut P, Sotoudeh M, Abnet C, et al. Polycyclic aromatichydrocarbon exposure in oesophageal tissue and risk ofoesophageal squamous cell carcinoma in north-eastern Iran.Gut. 2010; 59(9): 1178-83. doi: 10.1136/gut.2010.210609.
11. Giovannucci E, Liu Y, Rimm EB, Hollis BW, Fuchs CS,Stampfer MJ, et al. Prospective study of predictors of vitaminD status and cancer incidence and mortality in men.J Natl Cancer Inst. 2006; 98(7): 451–9. Doi: 10.1093/jnci/djj101.
12. Abnet CC, Qiao YL, Dawsey SM, Buckman DW, Yang CS,Blot WJ, et al. Prospective study of serum retinol, β-carotene,β-cryptoxanthin, and lutein/zeaxanthin and esophagealand gastric cancers in China. Cancer Causes Control. 2003;14(7): 645–55.
13. Chen W, Dawsey SM, Qiao Y-L, Mark SD, Dong Z-W,Taylor PR, et al. Prospective study of serum 25(OH)-vitaminD concentration and risk of esophageal and gastriccancers. British Journal of Cancer. 2007; 97(1): 123-8. DOI:10.1038/sj.bjc.6603834.
14. Boscoe, FP, Schymura MJ. Solar ultraviolet-B exposure andcancer incidence and mortality in the United States, 1993–2002. BMC Cancer. 2006; 6: 264. doi: 10.1186/1471-2407-6-264.
15. Grant, WB. An estimate of premature cancer mortality in theU.S. due to inadequate doses of solar ultraviolet-B radiation.Cancer. 2002; 94(6): 1867-75.
16. Grant, WB. Does Solar Ultraviolet Irradiation affect CancerMortality Rates in China?. Asian Pac J Cancer Pre. 2007;8(2): 236-42.
17. Roshandel G, Sadjadi A, Aarabi M, Keshtkar A, SedaghatSM, Nouraie SM, et al. Cancer Incidence in olestan Province:Report of an Ongoing Population-based Cancer Registryin Iran between 2004 and 2008. Arch Iran Med. 2012;15(4): 196-200. doi: 012154/AIM.004.
18. McCullough ML, Weinstein SJ, Freedman DM, HelzlsouerK, Flanders WD, Koenig K. Correlates of Circulating25-Hydroxyvitamin D Cohort Consortium Vitamin D Pool-ing Project of Rarer Cancers. Am J Epidemiol. 2010; 172(1):21–35. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwq113.
19. Alagol F, Shhadeh Y, Boztepe H, Tanakol R, Yarman S,Azizlerli H, et al. Sunlight exposure and vitaminD deficiencyin Turkish women. J Endocrinol Innvest. 2000; 23(3):173-7. doi:10.1007/BF03343702.
20. Holick MF, Binkley NC, Bischoff-Ferrari HA, Gordon CM,Hanley DA, Heaney RP, et al. Evaluation, Treatment, andPrevention of Vitamin D Deficiency: an Endocrine SocietyClinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011;96(7): 1911–1930. doi: 10.1210/jc.2011 0385.
21. Looker AC, Pfeiffer CM, Lacher DA, Schleicher RL, PiccianoMF, Yetley EA. Serum 25- hydroxyvitamin D statusof the US population: 1988- 1994 compared with 2000-2004. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008; 88(6): 1519-27. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2008.26182.
22. Holick MF. Sunlight and vitamin D for bone health and preventionof autoimmune diseases, cancers, and cardiovasculardisease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2004; 80(6 Suppl): 1678– 88.
23. Chapuy MC, Preziosi P, Maamer M, Arnaud S, GalanP,Hercberg S, et al. Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiencyin an adult normal population. Osteoporos Int. 1997; 7(5):439-43.
24. Burnard B, Sloutskis D, Gianoli F, Cornuz J, Rickenbach, Paccaud F, et al. Serum hydroxy vitamin D:distribution and determinants in the Swiss population. Am JClin Nutr. 1992, 56(3): 537-42.
25. Gloth FM 3rd, Gundberg CM, Hollis BW, Haddad JG JR,Tobin JD. Vitamin D deficiencyin homebound elderly persons.JAMA. 1995; 274(21): 1683–6.
26. Janssen H, Samson MM, Verhaar HJ. Vitamin D deficiency,muscle function, and falls in elderly people. Am J Clin Nutr.2002; 75:611–5.
27. Omdahl JL, Garry PJ, Hunsaker LA, Hunt WC, Goodwin JS.Nutritional status in a healthy elderly population: vitamin D.Am J Clin Nutr. 1982; 36:1225–33
28. Holick MF. Environmental factors that influence the cutaneousproduction of vitamin D. Am J Clin Nutr. 1995; 61(3Suppl): 638–45.
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Vitamin D Esophageal cancer Iran |
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How to Cite
Joshaghani H, Badiei F, Roshandel G, Sedaghat M, Tazik A, Kiaei M, Salamat F. Vitamin D Deficiency in High and Low Risk Populations for Esophageal Cancer in Northern Iran. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2018;10(4):26-31.