Comparing Health Economic Models to Answer Public Health Problems: A Review
Nowadays, decision analysis models are extensively used in solving healthcare problems. Considering the limited resources, the results of these studies will greatly assist policymakers with resource allocation. The purpose of this study is to provide a review of different decision analysis models in healthcare systems and to compare the components used in developing these models in studies addressing cervical cancer prevention. In this comprehensive review on decision analysis models used for cervical cancer prevention, we determined that the major components of the models included costs, outcomes, cycle lengths, discount rate, and perspective. The most commonly used model found in our review was the Markov model; nevertheless, it appears that dynamic models are gaining popularity over recent years. Conclusion: Using decision analysis models and encouraging healthcare policymakers to apply the results of modeling studies will result in saving time and costs, and will facilitate decision making in healthcare issues.(CSMG) CSMG. Modelling in Healthcare2009.
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Health Economic Models Cervical Cancer Mathematical Models |
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