Brief Communications

Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer in North of Iran


Background: Endometrial cancer is the most common type of malignancy in female reproductive system and is the fourth common cancer after breast, lungs and colorectal cancers. Our aim is to report epidemiology and frequency types of endometrial cancer and clinical staging and grading of this disease.Methods: In this description and Cross-Sectional study, 75 patients with diagnosed endometrial cancer, being admitted to surgical ward of Rouhani Hospital or Shahid rajaii Hospital in Iran were enrolled to study. Demographic specification of patient, staging and grading and other variables related with endometrial cancer were collected and data was processed by SPSS version 18 software.Results: Disease of diabetes, hypertension and obesity had a frequency of 36%, 26.7% and 85.3% in orderly. The mean of abortion was 0.47, mean of delivery was 3.71, mean age of menarche was 13.73 and most frequent age of first delivery belonged to the range of 19-24 year old (47ones, 62.7%). A high percentage of patients had been menopause under 39 years of age (25 ones, 33.3%). 3 patients (4%) had a history of breast cancer and usage of Tamoxifen. Only 6 cases (8%) had a history of irregularities menstruation. 58 of patients were in stage1 and 17 were other stages. 77.2% of patients have endometrioid and 13 patients were suffered by sarcoma.Conclusion: Most patients with endometrial cancer had endometrioid. Times of delivery and abortion, lower age of menarche and age of menopause and at the first delivery have been appeared to be associated with endometrial cancer.

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IssueVol 8 No 4 (2016) QRcode
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Endometrial cancer Delivery malignancy

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Yazdani S, Bouzari Z, Abedi samakoush M, Naeimi rad M. Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer in North of Iran. Basic Clin Cancer Res. 2017;8(4):37-41.