Study of Relationships Among Lifestyle, Health Locus of Control, and Happiness in Students
This study aimed to determine the relationship between lifestyle and health locus of control with happiness in college students. This study was descriptive within the framework of a correlation prediction plan. The sample consisted of 331 undergraduate students of Talesh PNU (246 females and 85 males) 1393-94 academic years who were selected randomly and completed lifestyle questionnaire, health locus of control scale and Oxford Happiness Questionnaire. The data was analyzed using descriptive indicators of mean and standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression methods. The results showed that the relationship between lifestyle and dimensions of happiness were positive and significant. The relationship between internal locus of control with happiness was positive, but in its relation with external locus of control, the chance was negative. Relationship with other locus of control and happiness was not significant. Also, regression analysis showed that 43 percent of happiness are explained by lifestyle and internal locus of control. Based on the findings, we can conclude that the style life and health locus of control affect the level of students' happiness.Alipour A, Hashemi T, Babapour J, Tosi f. Relationship between coping strategies and happiness of students. The new findings of Psychology Quarterly 2012; 5 (18): 71-78.
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Issue | Vol 7 No 4 (2015) | |
Section | Original Articles | |
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Happiness Lifestyle Health Locus o f Control |
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