Evaluation of the Information Needs of Breast Cancer Patients in the Internet
Background: Breast cancer is a serious concern for women health. Providing enough information to these patients will increase awareness, level of participation and improve quality of care. To provide information through the internet, identifying information needs is essential. The purpose of this study was to identify information needs that can be available through Internet for women with breast cancer based on their perspectives. Method: 120 women with breast cancer, who were familiar with the internet, entered to the study with convenient sampling method from Cancer Institute of Imam Khomeini hospital located in Tehran. The questionnaire was designed in seven areas: disease, treatment, daily activities, sexual health, and impact of disease on the family and private life, disease acceptance and self-image as well as other educational content based on a literature review and six sample portals. Descriptive statistics (frequency, mean and standard deviation) were used to analyze data by SPSS software. Result: The information content needed by patients on the internet, was in seven areas: Treatment (mean= 4.62 out of 5), daily activity (mean= 4.51 out of 5), disease (mean= 4.42 out of 5), disease acceptance and self-image (mean= 4.37 out of 5), the effect of disease on private life (mean= 4.21 out of 5) ,sexual health (mean= 4.2 out of 5) and other educational content( mean=4/55 out of 5). Conclusion: The need for information in the field of treatment is the most important needs of patients. They are interested in accessing through the online medium that provides them with information about cancer, decision making and treatment management. The care team can improve quality of care by providing information through the internet and portals.Stephens PA, Maryjo Osowski M, Fidale MS, Cathy Spagnoli RN B. Identifying the educational needs and concerns of newly diagnosed patients with breast cancer after surgery. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2008;12(2):253.
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Information Needs Internet Breast Cancer |
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